Posts by Sacha
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Craig, surely you can grasp the basic injustice in a party with a few percent of the vote wagging the governing dog?
At the last election, voters were not told that National would buddy up with Act to rip the guts out of local government, were they? There is absolutely no mandate for that change and they are trying to ram it through undemocratically now - as the Herald editorial and other journos have pointed out since Rodney's pet Cabinet paper was released.
It's the media's job to call attention to such abuses of governance. Trying to treat a newspaper the same as a political party is just farcical, no matter how much you may dislike what they're drawing attention to.
You'd be outraged if a Labour-led government tried anything similar, and I thought you were a man of principle. You're better than this, and you know it.
It's a newspaper, not a political party - although sometimes I agree it's hard to tell. When the Herald is next claiming to have the right to gut local government without further ado, we can continue this conversation.
Was it over the poor quality of the voluntary entertainment?
And in related news, a Herald editorial correctly assesses the legitimate influence of a minor player:
The Act Party is in Parliament with the support of fewer than three in 100 New Zealanders. The unfettered enthusiasm with which Hide is pursuing his radical agenda is out of all proportion to his mandate. The Prime Minister should give a sharp tug on his leash and remind him that he is there to find out and give legislative shape to what the public wants.
Gareth, are you saying no more That Guy? Don't tease, now.
Craig, are you saying Baiter is "non-partisan" or Garner is?
And that's not a bad piece of renaming for a show that often resembles consensual torture.
Thank god the bar at Blend wasn't mic'ed up.
Yes, Master Baiter's comments drew an early morning chortle before the caffeine finally wore off. Never cease to be amazed by the sheer hypocrisy about taking responsiblity from these immature Actoids. When good things happen it's all because of their personal "hard work" but when things don't work out it's always someone else to blame. Children, the lot of them, and not to be trusted with real power.
Yay, some Radiation. Thanks, Fiona.
Craig, I don't have any privileged access behind the scenes and I apologise if it wasn't clear that I was relaying statements and interviews from the TV3 coverage.
Politicians aren't entirely candid about their internal polling
Those statements about internal polling were made on camera tonight after victory was sealed. Isn't that a bit too late to "motivate activists"? - though it was hardly a novel reported position at the outset that things were close. You didn't need to be in the inner sanctum or catch any of tonight's interviews to know that; it was all over the media and blogosphere a couple of months ago.
Of course if you have some info that most of us didn't get then by all means share. Otherwise is the resisting consensus really worth the effort?
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