Posts by 3410
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Someone really needs to do a Laws / Downfall video.
As always, lots of new music, articles, reviews and so on posted at Elsewhere.
What, no Big Star box set review?
Why is PAS now auto-refreshing?
I get by with the help of my support group.
Nice to know that there’s someone there to give you a hand.
Working to maintain the “clean green” image can also work to the genuine advantage of the environment.
But it can also lead to a desire to hide the actual problems from sight in order to preserve a good image .
Here’s the real moral question: Are heterosexual relationships moral?
Yeah. The big question here is, who decided (and how) what constitutes a “moral issue”?
And should we feel bad about the gap between the “pure” marketing and the grubby reality?
It blows my mind that every time there’s a news story about polluted rivers or what have you, someone’s there to complain about the damage being done to our green image .
Is anyone else mentally adding ‘… and it feels so good’ to the title of this post?
Um… guilty.
I think we discussed this some months ago and he said that it was stable in terms of not having frequent elections
Really? I was under the impression that they’d had, on average, about one p.a. since the war.
He just cited a couple of anecdotes about health insurers delaying treatment for cancer patients. Socialised systems don’t do that …
Not sure that that’s quite true.