Posts by Michael Fitzgerald

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  • Hard News: The standing-still sweep,

    A couple of threads twisting around of Govt/Transport/Terrorism.

    There is Research going into Planning & Islamist Terrorism at the moment.

    My gut on this is to make people friendly spaces and remove cars from shared spaces. No parking on the side of the road etc and parrallel infrastructure for bikes and people to wander.

    But I would just subvert the terrorism paranoia for my own ends - much like the cops are doing now.

    You just know someone got off a P charge don't you.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: The standing-still sweep,

    Kyle Chapman - Convicted Terrorist - Fire Bombing Marae - National Front etc now has his own "Camping Club"

    600 votes for mayor + 1400 votes for his community board

    Tuhoe do consider rifles a traditional weapon & Tama Itis charges were a total load of bollocks.
    Wait & see - but the radar has been out there for something like this ever scince Helens rascist refusal for Maori to test claims in court.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: The standing-still sweep,

    Banks will back the World Cup - he'll f*k it up - but he'll back it.
    From CHCH its a shame about no 2nd aprt in AKL - you need one.
    And it doesn't need to be massive Int just an Alt and small domestic for new business dev in Nth AKL or a way of crossing the harbour when the bridge falls into the harbour.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Cracker: Stoopid,

    This is the Tank thing

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: A. B. B.,

    DHBs are STV and delays will have them being announced with the New Years honours

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Cracker: Stoopid,

    Christchurches Vesuvios was an oasis that has turned into a mirage of my memory.
    Teppan Yaki down the back (& wheelchair toilets above the step hmm), live jazz in the cnr, Kandansky prints on the walls, grovellingly hospitable service, drinking Courtneys (jazz singer) free red wine. Good times.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: A. B. B.,

    Make up, lights, camera ... Mr Laws we're ready for your close up.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Hard News: A. B. B.,

    Like all the AKL Apt investors?

    Aren't they expecting a 100k drop in their investments? Investments of shoddy apts Banks allowed to be built.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Cracker: Stoopid,

    To the best of my knowledge.

    The coffee is Nestles Granulated = Instant Mud

    NPL Koru is a contracted site (outside catering etc) & it's unmanned. Not knowing the hour you left but there may not be anyone else at the Aprt untill the next day now (or someone's kid swiped it) either way its not always that simple.
    4.2 is Air NZs get out of jail free card

    Sure service has been sacrificed for cost & liability/security (= It's your fault = you fix it).

    Ansett & Air NZ competed on service (Ansett broke even only once in its existence) & QF failed primarily because of the Piolts illeagal industrial action of calling in or turning up only to go home *sick*. Now the market competes on price.

    I suspect things could have run a bit more smoothly in another centre and the provincial nature of NPL had a role in observing rules / impracticality of moving a cellphone around for another dozy sod.

    Stupid rules in the States like allowing *Box cutters* in flight led directly to 9/11. It was cell phones & backpacks that sent the trains in spain sky high. A lines has been drawn.
    Now dozy sods pay a courier becuse they left their cellphone in a contracted out airport cafe- so be it.

    I loved the recent terrorism in the UK. Only because it was the most mundane aspects that potentially saved lives. Parking wardens towing a car. That car was full of explosive material. By chance the layaway is below normal traffic level and so acts like a bunker. No new *security measures* have saved lives but the simple stuff has, like parking restrictions and parking wardens.

    Oh I was a past NZ post Xmas postie & they won't sell me a NZ post bike for security reasons. People have their own tanks down here & I can't get a Posties Bike.

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

  • Yellow Peril: My black heart bleeds,

    "I apologise most humbly for seeking a leadership role. That was thoughtless of me. It must have been all that stray testosterone that sneaked under the ward partition last night and got into my drinking water."

    So leadership is a male domain?
    Helen Clark is a man?

    Just giggles - someone always gets power drunk on committees anyway.

    Man Drought vs Slut Glut - You decide
    (A Future Truth Headline)
    Kiwi women most promiscuous in the world

    Since May 2007 • 631 posts Report

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