Posts by Shep Cheyenne

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  • Hard News: Foreign Affairs,

    And back to Winnie

    Bob Jones - what a w*nker. He sets his old mate up and then backs away from any meaningful conversation with Winstons brother over the Spencer Trust on 9-noon this morning RNZ.

    Winston is a liar (found to be in court) and running scred, love it soo much.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Cracker: How about You You You?,

    To my shame the last time I went t either the Auckalnd Zoo or Orana Park in Chch was for Company Piss ups.
    The people quickly reverted to all of the animal activities described above.
    I was even hospitalised afte the Auckland one.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Speaker: Festive Fare,

    To me the most vivid works of Michael's are the ones as of Pacific peoples relationship to the sea. Huge canvases with people shoving whole fish, heads first in their mouths.
    Can't recall if it was his or his brothers but to me the coolest piece was the Fruit-bat burnt into the back of a skateboard.
    Free wine at gallery openings - good times.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Speaker: Won't Someone Please Not Think…,

    "segway-riding goons"

    When I win lotto I'm so blowing those up and replacing them with bicycles. Segway - the solution looking for a problem.

    Joe, security stopped you on campus?

    Depending on how much time I had to spare I would have a bit of fun, take their photo, write in a note book (anything doesn't matter what) & say nothing. They have no rights to do shit, whatever they may think.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Readers' Tips,

    We need to seriously reassess our Firearms laws.

    The myopic focus of the 'Git Tough on Crime' crowds unwillingness to address firearms really angers me.

    This licenced gun owner Maybe has armed a Battalion of armed criminals.

    (We can quibble whether this is Company plus or Battalion minus, but this is a shit load of firepower in the wrong hands)

    Little rant over.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Readers' Tips,

    Church cnr Countdown is 24hrs

    Not any more. Closes at midnight as of about a month ago.


    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Speaker: Won't Someone Please Not Think…,

    Emma you may be interested in this.

    From UC Dairy 25 July (this Friday)

    3:10 pm Philosophy and Religious Studies seminar. Grant Tavinor (Lincoln University) on The moral narratives of videogames.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Speaker: Won't Someone Please Not Think…,

    A friend of mine did a teaching placement at a Christian School, so all the fun and fantasy stuff, witches and the like were off limits. The pages of various books in their library were stapled closed. And then the head staplerer also had a fear of Spiders and stapled all the pages with spiders together as well.

    Bring on the Firemen I say.

    Future film - Mel Gibson
    "According to Gibson, there was difficulty in finding a script that would be appropriate for the film, and that with the advent of computers, the concept of book-burning in a futuristic period may no longer work.[8]"

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    My 'Sunday School' was on Saturday after/during Rugby. It was CCD and I still don't know what that means.
    I'ld be the one turning up in my Marist uniform with mud caking or flaking off my knees and shoulders.
    And no-one ever did answer the question of the host as the body of Chirst and my question - "are we cannibals?"
    I don't ask anymore & never take the wine - can't stand the floaties.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

  • Speaker: Won't Someone Please Not Think…,

    So what of Hansel & Gretal?

    A story of child neglect, abuse, imprisonment and cannibalism.

    Since Oct 2007 • 927 posts Report

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