Posts by Julie Fairey

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  • Hard News: Radio Times,

    I'm in my 30s now, but I definitely started listening to Nat Rad in my mid 20s. Nine to Noon was Kim Hill then and it was one of the things that kept me sane when I was home sick for a long time. Linda Clark I quite liked at the time, but now that Kathryn Ryan is in the chair I realise I wasn't as in to Clark as I thought. I found her very unbalanced on a few issues in particular stuff that seemed to push her buttons as a working mum. Ryan is doing well, imho.

    Morning Report I love. I'm not sure what would happen if it was no longer Geoff and Sean though, there's just something about the blend of this odd couple that really works for me.

    Afternoons I have just never got into, regardless of host. It's wonderful that they have so much content from New Zealanders - the best song ever written, the small town spotlight stuff - but it just doesn't spin my wheels.

    But actually Nat Rad isn't just for me. I don't expect to like everything they have on. In some parts of the country it is the only radio you can get and they have to cover a broad range to reflect not only their diverse listnership, but also their mandate as NZ's radio station of record, for want of a better term. I think they do a great job.

    Puketapapa Mt Roskill, AK… • Since Dec 2007 • 234 posts Report

  • Hard News: So far from trivial,

    Sorry I haven't read all these comments, I'm going to wade in on a couple of points anyway, so apologies in advance if it was on page 25...

    First up, big ups to Deborah et al for calling bullshit on the "there but" crap.

    In regards to the discussion about how the phrase used to describe the violent beating Veitch carried out as "lashing out", it is directly from his media statement. I was typing on the laptop when he read it out, and his precise words were:

    “my frustration took over, I broke, I lashed out in anger.”

    Is it just me, or is this media statement not available online anywhere, other than quotes in media articles? Seems a bit strange that...

    On the issue of the counselling, I am VERY concerned that the counselling may have been lined up by one or tuther of the employers, TVNZ and/or Radio Sport, after he disclosed an incident that might bring them into disrepute to them. It sounds as if either Veitch didn't give them the full story ("oh yeah, I broke her back in four places, but it's no biggie" perhaps?) or they didn't ask enough questions to ascertain that this was serious violence. And if they organised the counselling then I'd say it's likely that rather than arranging a counsellor who deals primarily with violence and anger management issues they would have brought in the poor old Employer Assistance Programme provider, and focused on the work-related stress. Which might explain why Veitch didn't hand himself in as a consequence of his counselling, which I would have thought would be a logical outcome of any decent anti-violence programme.

    Puketapapa Mt Roskill, AK… • Since Dec 2007 • 234 posts Report

  • Cracker: I don't just read the…,

    Waaay back someone mentioned something about the UOA using actual students for their advertising. I remember when they did a huge glut of new shots for their advertising, probably about 2000, and one of my friends ended up being one of the main faces of their campaign. She, and others featured, were indeed current students at the time, but they were also staff of the UOA, and were asked to take part as part of their normal employment. They weren't paid talent-level fees, just their normal hourly rate (not big). My friend reckoned her understanding was that they were just shots to put in the prospectus etc, and was quite surprised to end up on bus stops etc. So yes, they did use real students, but the main driver was probably keeping the cost down, rather than authenticity, as my friend was a commerce student yet her pic appeared next to Architecture in one brochure, and with a different subject altogether in another.

    Puketapapa Mt Roskill, AK… • Since Dec 2007 • 234 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Greening,

    The SOMEONE who didn't bring the effigy was indeed your own fair campus. Auckland's responsibility was the aforementioned statue, which was never meant to be burnt, and thus did not really burn very well at all. Took us hours and hours that statue! Twelve years this week and I'm still bitter.

    Puketapapa Mt Roskill, AK… • Since Dec 2007 • 234 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Greening,

    Oh and while we are talking about secondary uses for plastic bags, Kyle I do not recommend using plastic bags to stuff a STATUE that then gets used as an effigy and burnt on the steps of Parliament, because SOMEONE didn't bring the effigy, resulting in a whole heap of people inhaling toxic gases and having to get some medical attention.

    But I digress.

    Puketapapa Mt Roskill, AK… • Since Dec 2007 • 234 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Greening,

    What makes me a bit suspicious about the point of recycling is the apparently low amount of stuff out there for sale that is made from recycled materials. For example toilet paper - surely this is an ideal thing to make from recycled paper, yet there aren't that many brands that don't source their paper from fresh trees (albeit some are "sustainably" grown, whatever that means). I seem to recall years ago that some Coke bottles (the 1.5l ones) were partially made from recycled PET, but otherwise I'm struggling to think of anything obviously made from recycled stuff, and marketed as such.

    If we are serious about recycling then I reckon we need to create demand by buying things that are made from recycled materials. At least as long as we have this stupid capitalist system anyway ;-)

    Puketapapa Mt Roskill, AK… • Since Dec 2007 • 234 posts Report

  • Radiation: Sci-fi high,

    Surely the fact that TV2 is getting teh Torchwood out is a sign of the end times? I feel like I've been waiting forever. Thanks for the good news!

    Third the advice on watching the two-ep finale of season 2 BSG so that you don't come into season 3 completely cold, but if you can shoehorn in the whole thing, from mini-series onward, it is so worth it. I was a bit of a late adopter, but it really is the best thing I've seen on telly for a very very very long time. Although I was half-way through series 1 of The Wire when our subwoofer (through which the sound for the dvd is routed) went on holiday, that is also very excellent.

    I'm curious about the references to the Master too, because I got confused and thought people were talking about Dr Who not Bones...

    Puketapapa Mt Roskill, AK… • Since Dec 2007 • 234 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    I kind of agree with you Sofie, however it seems to me that this woman is complaining in a way that she is ok with at the moment, ie by sending her letter to the inquiry and releasing that information to the media. Yes she hasn't laid a complaint with the police, but maybe she will in the future - the detective involved has indicated that the case will remain open and they will accept a complaint at a later stage.

    Staying silent is an understandable response, imho. Sorry to shamelessly promote again, but here's a post from one of my co-bloggers about a sexual assault she experienced, which covers why she didn't report to the police. I wish no one felt they had to stay silent, but I'm not going to further blame those who do.

    Puketapapa Mt Roskill, AK… • Since Dec 2007 • 234 posts Report

  • Island Life: Speaking boisterously to…,

    You expect any speaker to stop Winston from being bitchy? Wow, that's a pretty high standard to set ;-) Maybe Sean Plunkett should be the next Speaker then?

    Puketapapa Mt Roskill, AK… • Since Dec 2007 • 234 posts Report

  • Speaker: What goes on tour,

    And here's another post on it here. Sorry, it's a Sunday morning, brain not fully functioning!

    Puketapapa Mt Roskill, AK… • Since Dec 2007 • 234 posts Report

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