Posts by andrew llewellyn

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  • Cracker: Flashback,

    BTW - glad to hear you kept your job. Although I thought we'd agreed, you were to get Ralston's job & then give me.. oh, I dunno, Mark Sainsbury's.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    My excuse is I'm not a journalist. I check nothing at all (which may explain a bit to some who know me).

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    oops.... did not check the facts.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    Good Post Damian,

    You're not even a dog owner are you?

    But the real surprise, of course, is that such attacks don't happen more often than they do.

    Just like I'm surprised a journalist (no offence) checked the facts.

    BTW - how many of those 550 odd attacks were from "pitbulls' (I maintain that most people wouldn't know an actual "pit bull" if it jumped up & bit them.) and how many were from say, labradors?

    But you're right, enforcing the existing laws, would go a lot a long way towards reducing the incidence, than drafting new laws which the problem owners will ignore just as much.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Stories: Injuries,

    I recall having to babysit for Bill & Marj while they werer out at a beer fest with mum & dad.

    the next morning, driving me home, Bill was unusually reticent (which would be very reticent indeed), and as we cruised round the corner near our house, there was dad's car, looking like it had rolled (which it had), with the inside absolutely covered in blood.

    Inside the house were all the car's occupants (parents & guests), minor cuts & scrapes only, completely pissed.

    They'd been broadsided going through an intersection and the car rolled. Everyone was wearing seatbelts, the driver, mercifully, and for those days somewhat unbelievably, under the legal limit. They got home from A & E & got totally plastered.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Stories: Injuries,

    Can also remeber a hot chestnut exploding in my dad's mouth (one that didn't pop in the fire), and the struggle all of us save him had to stop from laughing out loud. He was in too much pain.

    And a story of my mum, guillotining off the crowns of two fingers by mistake, being asked at A&E when was the last time she'd had a tetanus shot & not knowing, and being told when they checked with her doctor, that it was approximately a year before... on the last occasion she'd accidentally guillotined off the crowns of her fingers.

    (On the siubject Rich might recount the time he came home to find the house empty and unlocked with blood all over the kitchen, and a running lawn mower out in the middle of the garden - I think that might be the first time my mum chopped part of her fingers off.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Stories: Injuries,

    As a kid I was often at the bottom of a speeding, road-scraping pile of wheels, planks & other kids. On one occasion at least, my face did the honours as an impromptu brake.

    But scrapes & cuts were the worst from such mishaps.

    Until one day, at the age of 11, biking down the (what now looks ridiculously gentle) slope of Whites Line East in the Hutt Valley, I was showing off with no hands, when I couldn't escape noticing the road was coming up to greet me at speed.

    I spent two weeks in Hutt hospital at the mercy of some kid in the other bed in the room who could actually move & who delighted in throwing things at me, having to eat through a straw, lucky that my teeth "took" after being plugged back into their sockets & recovering from major bruising and concussion. No broken bones...

    But the funniest injury to me wasn't serious fortunately, just bruises, scrapes & cuts, occured in Nairn Street near my flat at the time, after disembarking from the boot of an overly crowded car.

    It was very dark, I stepped out of someone else's way onto what I thought was new tarmac. Sadly it was a 6 foot deep hole in the road, with some pipes & plumbing exposed at the bottom. Possibly if I'd not have been so inebriated I might have seen the sign & the orange cones...

    Possibly if I'd not been so inebriated I might have really hurt myself.

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Southerly: New Zealand's Wave Energy…,

    (as long as you've got a decent head)

    Passing up the chance for a wisecrack... what does that mean?

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Southerly: New Zealand's Wave Energy…,

    Solar powered pumps... brilliant. And more likely to succeed in my case than a windmill.


    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

  • Southerly: New Zealand's Wave Energy…,

    Off topic (broadly on perhaps). Maybe a suggestion for a future - because I want a windmill - either for power, or pumping water from a bore, both would be useful - I've been wondering why we aren't being encouraged to all install small generating devices on our properties, where it is possible.

    How feasible are small turbines, either wind or water driven? And can they generate enough to provide relief for the family power? Enough to feed back to the grid? And how feasible is THAT, anyway?

    Since Nov 2006 • 2075 posts Report

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