Posts by 3410

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  • Legal Beagle: The Inexorable Advance,

    I did follow up - almost immediately...

    Got that. Truce. :)

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: The Inexorable Advance,

    Good. That's sorted then.

    Not, really. You claim freedom of association as a fundamental human right, but then decline to argue against certain curtailments of it.

    PS. Thanks for the rude responce.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Legal Beagle: The Inexorable Advance,

    we don't abandon cherished freedoms to save lives and alleviate suffering in the third world, and we shouldn't do it to to get a couple of good gigs. - GE

    We already sacrifice Freedom of Association rights for all sorts of good reasons. Or will you now be defending landlords' 'human rights' to not rent to 'Maoris,' or shopkeepers' 'rights' to not have, say, blind people in their shops?

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: Home, straight,

    Brian Edwards' Extremely Illogical Argument Generator

    I don't there's an implicit rule that all personal experience must be taken as indicative of the general, but if all personal experience must be abandoned, then there hardly seems any point in thinking at all.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: Home, straight,

    Thanks for the responces. I'm literally too tired to construct a coherent reply - I've been unsuccessfully trying for an hour - so I'll just make a couple of quick points.

    1) Homophobia is ugly, stupid, cowardly, and destructive.

    2) Edwards' position may be flawed (and probably is), but it's based on perceived harm reduction. The homophobia inherent in his argument is, I submit, at least debatable.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: Home, straight,

    My opposition is not rooted in homophobia.

    Except that it is.

    How so? His opposition seems, to me, to be rooted in his belief that boys who grow up without fathers are significantly disadvantaged by it; a belief based on his own experience. Having also had that experience, I agree with him, though I'm not sure that the conclusion follows. However, Edwards clearly has a basis for his position which one could reasonably not ascribe to homophobia, doesn't he?

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Southerly: I Was Dissed By Three Old Ladies,

    Reminds me of the time I spotted someone at the intersection outside our flat chuck a complete set of McDonald's rubbish out of the window. I tore downstairs, out on to the street, scooped it up and managed to hiff the whole lot back through the driver's window just as the light went green. Felt good!

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Up Front Guide to Parenting,

    Then we'll see whose laughing.

    As an Arts student, I must say that I'm laughing right now ! ;)

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Those Jamaican Yams,

    "if you could run that fast what would you do?" "What do you mean?" "Like you could just taunt a tiger and then run away"

    That would not be wise. As fast as Bolt is, tigers are still about twice as fast.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: A voice of reason and authority,

    Badgers? We don't need no stinking badgers!

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

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