Posts by Sacha

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  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    (Sacha) "I remember noting here that Asian passes as diversity in our leafy eastern suburbs."

    Delish... Perhaps the next ethnic sensitivity trainer could do a refresher course on why you don't show your own Eurocentric dumb-arseness by slapping a reductive and basically meaningless label on over a billion human beings into.

    Ahem, Craig (and Simon and Mark while I'm at it). I go away for less than a day and get mistaken for a racist. Not often that one prepares a rebuttal several days beforehand, which I presume you all missed:

    Keith, thank you for resisting the lazy media tide that lumps Chinese, Korean and Pakistani into one simple and manageable blob of people who our grandparents felt wary about.

    and more:

    (DeepRed) "the little-mentioned divide between the 'old generation' (which includes those descended from Otago goldminer stock like myself) and the 'new generation'."

    Agreed. The huge regional differences within "Chinese" also tend to be glossed over, especially Mainland vs Hong Kong. I recall some good discussion hereabouts at the time of the first Bananas conference that introduced me to the "1.5er" concept.

    Mind you we do the same when we use the blunt label "Pacific" - or even "Maori" for that matter, as if iwi are all the same.

    Let's put it down to the cough medicine.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    I'm just struggling to believe they could only convince one person to speak on camera.

    Not denying the employment dispute colours things, but Gurunathan came across as pretty level-headed and not exactly spiteful in tone. On the other hand if Lee is anything in person like she comes across on telly, I'm unsurprised her staff would volunteer for extra duties - or not talk about it to media afterwards.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    Gondolier piracy would be at least as good for tourism as a cycleway..

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    It's ok because other candidates must have said bad stuff too.

    Transport Minister Steven Joyce, asked this morning whether he agreed with Ms Lee, said it sounded like there was a "fair bit of excitement" at the meeting.

    "Probably quite a few candidates, by the sound of things, might have said some things in the heat of the meeting," he told Radio New Zealand

    I await news of other fruity outbursts with interest.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    has something of a problem with anyone who isn't either East Asian or Pakeha

    At the time of the National Party election advert with that schoolkids choir, I remember noting here that Asian passes as diversity in our leafy eastern suburbs.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    Craig, the difference is that you're not putting yourself forward as a leader - well, except maybe of the "justify anything the Nats do" movement here - a thankless task sometimes, but one that attracts different levels of power and corresponding public scrutiny.

    Suburbism is when a Palmy motelier bans people from Waikanae. "South Auckland" is code for brown folk - as you well know even though there aren't many where you live at present. Lee seems like a loudmouth racist - because she is acting like one. At least it's good for potential voters to see who she is now.

    Unless her production company's only income was from NZonAir, it seems to me ok for her to deploy her staff and her equipment any way she likes as the owner and manager. I'm confident that will come out in the wash, and I agree an apology to Wrightson might be due (but like you I'm not holding my breath).

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    Hey if it was one Bill I wouldn't have a problem - just seems to be becoming a bit of a habit, is all. It's not kosher no matter who's doing it.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Speaker: Economics of the Waterview Tunnel,

    As you've said convincingly, Joshua, they have to be saving money somewhere (well, very many somewheres, given the huge price difference). The drawing clearly shows the rail route passing through the houses, and it does seem like a very precise drawing.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    Using urgency frequently to circumvent due process and pass controversial Bills is undemocratic. Discuss.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

  • Up Front: I Have Been and Always Shall…,

    I'd be prepared to extensively test that theory

    Not helping.

    Ak • Since May 2008 • 19745 posts Report

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