Posts by Sacha
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That's remarkably lucid and balanced thinking, I'd have to say. Disqualifies you automatically.
Oh, go on, you know you want to link us...
From that story:
"Mr Joyce said that the tunnel would have been funded by borrowing but the surface option, being cheaper, could be funded through the Government's National Land Transport Fund."
Nice try. And where does the funding for the National Land Transport Fund come from?
I love the way when Nact don't want something it all comes from "borrowing" (bad) but when they do want it, miraculously, it is solely funded by tax income, etc. It's all the same pot of money folks.
Stuff story expanded: Billion dollar Auckland tunnel canned. Subheading: "500 properties in the road".
DPf's stance is perfectly consistent. As one of his commenters notes, the Herald headline "Government slashes Waterview fund" is also biased from their viewpoint.
You get what you vote for, Auckland.
About consultation - DPF quotes media Q&A:
“The NZ Transport Agency’s Board is meeting today to consider the three alternative options and will announce its preference tomorrow, once it has had the opportunity to make first contact with those directly affected.
“A thorough consultation process on the form of the selected option will then commence before a final decision is made.”
Creek? What economic benefit does that have to anyone?
Predictable angle on Kiwiblog: Govt saves taxpayers $1.7 billion
So if I'm reading the media release and your post correctly Josh, a large part of the "savings" is burying the credit funding in the regular NZTA fund?
But that there's still a huge unexplained variance between earlier estimates for a surface route and the price of 1-1.4b quoted today?
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