Posts by Sacha
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I vote for that rail option so that when peak oil hits we still have a system that works while individual cars are too expensive to run anymore.
As Joshua points out so succinctly, the Waterview project will not come out of standard transport funding, so there is nothing to stop the money being used in any way to move people and goods around - providing the decision makers are not in the pockets of those who stand to make money from building one particular option. As George says in the comments, it's a mighty expensive one, too.
I predict that special enabling legislation will be used to do an end-run around the RMA even if it has been watered down by then. It would be only sensible for the funder to remove the risk of delays from such an expensive project, and really it wouldn't matter who the Government was (Rugby World Cup, anyone?).
The mainstay of provincial signwriting artistry.
No that's not some fancy obscure word, just another typo.
Though I'm sure if you were to fly Hilary to your kitchen, she might olbige..
Good on him.
But last night, Sunday News was told veteran journalist Jock Anderson, a former National Business Review chief reporter, had lodged an "official complaint" with police.
Anderson, now Truth's chief reporter, on Friday posted a letter of complaint to Auckland police, the office of the solicitor general and the Auckland Law Society alleging the letters from Devoy and Currie were not presented to the court in the way they were initially written.
"I am complaining as a citizen of New Zealand and as a citizen that the integrity of the court has been damaged by altered character references given to the judge when sentencing Veitch," he said.
Veitch's spokeswoman Glenda Hughes did not return calls from Sunday News last night.
I was probly gnashing my teeth at the bias on timeshifted Q&A instead. Bad enough when the host is running National Party talking points (and grimacing off-camera it would appear) without adding an ex-candidate and ex-President to skew the panel a little more.
Boag delivered the "you've already been consulted by the Royal Commission" line without the slightest correction from anyone. Holmes slipped in a comment about grey academics just as he finished talking with the person he was describing so they had no chance to respond. Tamihere recycled smears about sexuality to his host's visible delight. Cowardly dickheads.
Interesting nonetheless to see how Melissa Lee and David Shearer came across. And was it just me, or is Chester Borrows a calming influence on Michael Lawhs?
I did not know that.
Rob Hosking's take on the Mt Albert by-election at NBR.
And several sandwiches short of a picnic.
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