Posts by Sacha
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I'm picking he'll turn out to come from somewhere even more exotic when you're done.
Never say nevernui. :)
hell, i'd embed it myself
I too liked the "thin ice" segment and wonder how long it will take for just that bit to be posted somewhere. Frampton on the other hand, no thanks.
Well that didn't take long to turn edumacational. Good link, thanks Robyn.
As long as he's not a secret Uzbek. That Editing Harold story fair tickled me funny bone to the extent that I was seeking for a word beyond rofflenui. Divine.
I blame Kanye.
Thanks for that impassioned summary, Tussock.
To be fair, it's not the performers but their deluded middlemen who need to wake up. After a time of some pain, I look forward to restructured industry arrangements that give better sustainable returns to creators, performers and useful intermediaries.
New Zealand's anxieties
You mean those of the fearful, pallid old Nat sycophants who set the Harold's editorial tone.
A bit like an S&M version of a koala.
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