Posts by Sacha
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it was definitely that C word I had intended to use (rather than the one that ends in a k)
Thanks for clarifying. :)
it plays on expectations while simultaneously reinforcing them.
George, we get the same thing with disability in the media all the time - watch for flag words like "despite" and "overcome" and "inspiring".
Ben, it is easy to see how your "curious" can resemble what's "argumentative" to others. Not that I'm wanting one.
Nothing like a good denunciation!
And do I concede a rebate for my missing "o"?
All deep philosphical questions. :)
It does seem like different expectations rather than any ill intent.
Ben, I doubt it's the decision to pull, more the way he went about it.
Ben, most writers don't publish their drafts, notebooks, etc. Different model, different expectations.
I thought it could be worse if I chose only three xxx's..
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