Posts by Sacha
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I have no industry experience
Sam, you're a customer - the most important player in any industry. Emma will no doubt be here shortly to disabuse me of that notion..
The logic of the spiral is to drag everything down the plughole - and make everyone dizzy on the way.
managed by a genial Indian family
So others don't have to..
Is that the same place that sold you stale wine?
Farrar notes "It was hardly a difficult guess that Whale would be responding to Mayor Williams latest outburst."
In any case, let's not get diverted by the sideshow. -
Truthiness to the rescue. :)
"being amused by Jake's page"
There's probably a word in Italian, French or German for that.
I believe it is - though the principle is pretty well-established by now. Kind of like half-pai.
But who would have throught the nutjobs could get any nuttier?
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