Posts by Sacha
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To put it in more corporate terms that Key might understand, there's a big difference between being a member of an advisory board, being a director elected at large, and being a director nominated to protect the interest of a major shareholder. Those shareholders don't rely on at-large election to make sure they have a voice at the table.
Of course he'd have to start thinking of Maori as co-owners rather than just beneficiaries of our nation's founding MoU.
Don't know if anyone already linked to this at Scoop, but here's John Key today betraying his impoverished understanding of both governance and the Treaty relationship. Not the best audio, and it's a few minutes long.
I don't disagree with Mr O'Sullivan's conclusions about the way the three seats were constituted, but I'd be interested in hearing what Ngati Whatua, Tainui, and other mana whenua had to say.
I'm just saying the right to representation comes directly from the Treaty without needing to make any sophisticated arguments. Same not so true in Australia, Canada, etc.
Oh. Then he's ignoring one of the key arguments, surely.
Actually I meant both. Tired.
Matthew, thanks for the link. I think the Aussie author may not be familiar with the Treaty layer which goes beyond the general indigenous rights he mentions.
I'm not claiming for a second that the proposed arrangements were as good as they could be, but just removing them as our pale pollies did yesterday is inexcusable.
Sorry, meant Mr Poole.
I'm glad others have picked up the point that Maori representation is about honouring the Treaty of Waitangi, not about "ethnicity".
Asians, Niueans and everyone else are catered for via the Crown side of Te Tiriti. i.e. the Crown is their representative, but the Crown can not represent Maori - Maori need to do that themselves, hence the requirement for appropriate levels of representation in all levels of government.
I'm open to correction by those more consitutionally aware, but my understanding is that Maori are actually represented on both sides of the deal once it was signed - which accounts for some like Mr Littlewood feeling like Maori are getting two bites at the cherry.
Given the widespread welching on the Treaty by my Pakeha forebears, it seems more than a bit churlish to whinge about token governance arrangements that recognise what they actually signed up to. Especially in Auckland where iwi have been very generous hosts over the years.
It could also do some good IT advice
So, Don for CIO. That's the kind of Wellington Wisdom that might make a difference.
Don't buy the Brisbane one that gets trotted out by Banks and others - much of their budget comes from State level, not from local rates.
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