Posts by Sacha
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I was going to say, that time..
Actually I can't argue with that. Doh.
Though if we're talking about post-modernism in the media then there is a bit of analysis on TV about that. The Daily Show does it fairly often.
That's hilarious. You're not deliberately trying to get Giovanni's blood pressure up are you?
I just don't believe that getting to the North Shore is the traffic abomination most people make it out to be, although admittedly this arose as a train of thought for me re RWC stadium discussions
I think RWC is an OK comparison for a full stadium. At North Harbour, it's the traffic load/unload volume in such a short time. Planners are talking about needing something like 160 buses - and there are no alternatives other than cars. By comparison, raceday in Melbourne manages about four times the total public transport capacity just from trams.
In terms of rail at the other Auckland RWC venues, Kingsland station is getting the ability to load both platforms at once, and a new station at Morice Road was proposed for Mt Smart. I guess we'll see after the dust clears from the current regional shakeup.
I would be most interested in people linking to their first ever posting here.
Big Day Out on Spaghetti junction
Hey, there's an idea. Well they were willing to consider closing off the motorway for the V8s to do their thing..
Simultaneous postings are strangely reassuring..
North Harbour stadium could be made to work well
One word: transport.
Trying to control access to either Ellerslie or Cornwall Park or The Domain? Forget it.
Ah yes, I hadn't thought of that.
Academics reconstruct their academic work for a more popular audience all the time.
Belich is a good example, yes. Maybe I wasn't paying attention when the big tv shows about postmodernism and other cultural theories were screened. I guess Allain De Botton counts?
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