Posts by andin

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  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    Hum... and apparently her employment issues with Lee are totally irrelevant

    I wonder what they were?

    Parliament should dump the opening prayer and start sessions with readings of the Tales of Chicken Little and The Little Shepherd Boy Who Cried Wolf instead.

    I would have suggested some ethics texts,( excluding those tomes where the author/authors believe an invisible hand is guiding them,or even worse talking to them) maybe some Thomas Paine.

    But "Dump the Prayer" I like it.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    Can I throw a stout volume of Lovecraft at your head?

    Never did read him. Epicurus was so much more philosophically satisfying.

    It wouldn't achieve a damn thing, but sculling cough syrup isn't helping either.

    Try that Liquid Democracy.
    But enough, I must give my full attention to Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey.
    Its got Death and everything.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    thought he might be one of the green onion slave girl's friends.

    How come he gets a name and she doesnt?
    I could imagine one up I s'pose.
    Now where can I get me some liquid democracy.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    where you actually have to persuade people rather than threaten them with the drowny wrath of Dagon the Three Eyed FrankenFish.

    Is he a friend of Jesus?

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    know-it-alls who regard democracy as something that's wasted on the ignorant peasants who just won't realise what's good for them.

    Is democracy good for you?
    Does it come in liquid form?

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: Modern Lolz,

    Black & Decker nose drill?
    They still making those?
    I often wonder what effect negotiating the Broadcasting Standards has when NZ comedy goes on the tele.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: When that awful thing happens,

    >quote>Sure, I just can't get my head around why a guy who lives half a century suddenly unleashes that rage.I would have thought age would have bought some control but of course I'm going off limited information.It's just bloody sad.</quote>

    Age does not confer wisdom or restraint. There are so many examples of this around at the moment just take your pick.
    In some people thru life a disconnect can occur and fester over many years.
    Us humans have become experts at pretending, or is that civilisation.

    I dread to think it but there are a lot of people who suffer from similar problems as Jay Molenaar or Molenburg as some of those really clever on air wits are calling him.
    Individuation has become virtually an enemy of the collectivism that dictates how we all live together as populations grow. It is just going to get worse. Is it purely a numerical thing and should be treated as such, a certain percentage of the population will go off the rails, and will be dealt with accordingly.
    Or can people who show signs of a growing disconnect be coaxed back to something like normalcy. Well in NZ at present it is the former, which I find sadder.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: When that awful thing happens,

    Do you mean my single shot Martini-Enfield from 1896?

    Is that shaken or stirred? 1896 ...must have a good head by now.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: When that awful thing happens,

    Yeah, and there's no need to do other outdoor activities such as skiing, tramping, or birdwatching either. People do these things because they are fun, not because they are the most efficient way. And people hunt because they enjoy it, and because they enjoy eating the meat.

    That is a facile comparison.
    Hey I enjoy sitting at home smoking the local produce, but thats illegal.

    Try watching Hunting Aotearoa on MTS sometime (which is produced by my brothers, so I suppose I'm going in to bat for the whanau on this), and you'll see that the hunters are simply people who enjoy hunting.

    Are you using brothers in the familial sense or the other way?
    Simply people who enjoy hunting? Pity there are no moas around isnt it.
    Why dont they use a bow and arrow I hear they can be quite high tech nowadays.

    And as for the city wag aghast at the thought of having to kill an injured animal. Are you just extrapolating a weird case to make a point.
    Most farmers dont go herding with a gun, but a mobile phone is often close by so a quick call to a vet is probably quicker.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

  • Hard News: When that awful thing happens,

    < quote>I hope I'm never in a position of having to listen to talk back radio again; </quote>

    I thought Andrew Fagan and Karen Hay on Radio Live were very sane about it all. And the callers weren't of the idiot variety, perhaps they were all over at Newstalk ZB.

    but ours is really the first or second generation tops that can get away with foregoing meat altogether without being undernourished.

    I thought that the Jains in India have been at it for over 3000yrs.
    But whatever there is really no need to hunt for meat anymore in NZ with anything other than a zipzap card.

    raglan • Since Mar 2007 • 1891 posts Report

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