Posts by Sacha
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Copywrong Deathmatch.
And you guys are too funny - "my" thread is bigger than yours. Heh.
I suspect the last eight years have given a widespread impression that the chances of a POTUS being held to account for anything much are close to zero.
That Oakeshott piece that Craig shared here last year was beuatifully crafted.
To be sure, to be sure..
the wankery scale
Like the Dick-o-meter...
(trying to demonstrate popular relevance)
And who doesn't appreciate those postmodern asides on Boston Legal about spin-offs, extras, etc?
Speaking of Weiner, any thoughts on Mad Men ?
THIS BLOODY CONVERSATION that I always seem to end up having with people.
Perhaps I'm cycnical, but I like this from the linked comments:
a lot of rubbish or obfuscation is talked by art people – but some of the rubbish is better rubbish than others...
Having said which, I have every intention of wending my way through the rest of that conversation, eventually.
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