Posts by Sacha
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I'd probably sound like that if I had to wake up at 4am. Mind you, cow cockies don't..
And do I get points for knowing the difference between # and @ ?
I love how a certain generaton of tv presenters don't instinctively know that an email address never starts with "www".
15 Minutes ahead? Insider trading moves to a new platform...
Haven't watched the clip yet but bought the Metro in question. I agree with Don that there's no need to slag Welli to draw attention to Auckland's scene.
However, for decades I have noticed the completely disproportionate investment in Wellington's culture at national expense, so have considerable sympathy for the position of Hamish Keith and others about that.
I caught something in passing on RNZ about actors being forced to move north en masse when TVNZ changed their travel/relocation funding regulations a few years ago. Wonder if ex-Welli thespians could be driving the argument as they realise how well off they actually were?
why Twitter works summed up in a frame
Hard to argue with that - if I had a web-connected phone. Old styles, I know, but I'll get there. Was very impressed observing the twittering at #kiwifoo close up, and subsequently checked #webstock and #blackout with interest.
If the remaining bodies are not reasonably large they simply will not have the critical mass in terms of resources to actually do anything.
Including "advocacy".
And God help us all if Cit-Rats get control over the whole region.
More than likely, given first past the post and the fiscal resources needed to campaign across a large region, says IdiotSavant.
is there going to be a referendum on this
Without having read the whole report yet, it does not seem to distinguish properly between operational and governance levels in proposing "efficiencies". Amalgamating some operational functions may make sense, but that does not mean the same applies to representative functions.
Be interested to hear from anyone who has delved into the Commission's alternative proposals featuring more of these "Local Councils".
And if you haven't seen the actual 5 minute interview that so provoked lil Paulie, the clip is linked from this story along with the reaction one we've seen.
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