Posts by Sacha
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There's a huge difference between a market with only two shows to choose from and the situation in the US of A.
Mr Henry is an indefensible dick and even though I suspect a helping of ADHD comes into the picture, I don't think much of those who support him or employ him when there are talented alternatives.
Any opinion on Hi5?
it is not as hard as before to go direct to iTunes.
I wonder if their rollout was always planned that way?
I think Simon has a good handle on how the roles have shifted, which are in some cases by degree and in others fundamentally.
but also the marketer
I'm not denying that placement and other promotional dealing still exists. However, a signficant chunk of what the marketing role used to do - bring people and music together - can now be done by mechanisms like iTunes without extra effort. Similarly, Amazon's recommendations system is a fantastic tool for driving sales without anyone having to do much else.
It's early days but that's the direction I see things going: very efficient and wide-reaching systems for doing what humans have always done - trusted each other's opinions about what is good. Crowdfiltering.
However, with the economies of distribution dramatically changed, new models for funding the creation process are needed.
It's not the same as a physical shop. For one, iTunes is the distributor and the retailer - but also the marketer. Hence the value of being in their space - because they aggregate buyers. Geez.
Polar bears are just misunderstood. All they need is a hug.
I say we farm them.
Just because someone "wins" does not at all mean anyone "loses". Digital distribution and marketing is not a zero sum game, especially when you take long tail into account. Interesting that the conventional record industry is not alone in struggling with that concept.
Oh, and Pirate Bay go all VPN on our asses, reports Pat Pilcher.
Why, it's almost enough to make one believe in The Secret . Nah, just kidding.
Hugging polar bears would involve significant air miles. So he does have a green heart after all.
What with Henry and Holmes, one wonders what you have to do to be put out to pasture at TVNZ. Or better still, just not hired in the first place.
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