Posts by Bob Munro

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  • Hard News: Friday Fun,

    I wonder how long this headline will stay up at the New York Times?

    Obama Looks to Recruit Clinton’s Top Fun-Raisers

    Christchurch • Since Aug 2007 • 418 posts Report

  • Hard News: In tha Hoodie,

    Here’s a positive Hoodie Day story.

    Edgeware Road victim's brother hails positive moves

    In June 2007, a youth conference was held which gave 150 young people the chance to speak about the tragedy and discuss issues facing today's youth.
    A report from the conference was launched last night.
    It outlines several initiatives young people have been putting into place over the past year. They include holding more youth events and encouraging interaction with adults and authorities.
    Chris Young said people had learned from what had happened and the growth of youth organisations such as White Elephant and Red Panda was great to see.
    "I just hope those organisations and what they are doing keep going," he said. "Talking about issues is the only way to solve them. Unless people are out there making an effort to confront things, it's not going to change."

    Christchurch • Since Aug 2007 • 418 posts Report

  • Speaker: In Praise of The Catalysts of…,

    The Free Theatre lived up to its name and I got to see the play for free last Friday. And it was wonderful.

    We were welcomed with wine and feted with more of the same at the conclusion. The set was multi-layered and used with great imagination. There was movie projection, synchronised with the actors speaking their lines. There was passion and movement and subtlety and diabolical and beautiful music. There was even a point when I feared for an actor's safety as she dangled upside down singing for what seemed like an unhealthily long time.

    There was every theatre experience you could expect except maybe controversy. But that was supplied at the performance last night. My 16 year old daughter was thrilled when a large part of the audience from one school was ushered out after the opening erotic (mildly) scene, leaving just 20 patrons. She and her group of drama mad friends got what they felt was a private performance and the privilege to interact personally with the cast at the end. Perfect.

    Christchurch • Since Aug 2007 • 418 posts Report

  • Hard News: O.G.,

    Thanks Steve. Further on this. I do find a text only method of communication quite difficult to get the right tone into a conservation. Sometimes there's a quite unexpected reaction to a comment where I realise that the lack of verbal and bodily cues that happen in face to face encounters has somehow distorted the intent.

    Christchurch • Since Aug 2007 • 418 posts Report

  • Hard News: O.G.,

    Oh, Steve I wasn't trying to imply you were wrong at all. I was just using your line to lead off to the article which I found interesting. Your explanantion was fine by me. Sorry if it appeared thet way.

    Christchurch • Since Aug 2007 • 418 posts Report

  • Hard News: O.G.,

    I thought the term "Hoodie" was a corruption of "Neighbourhood"

    There's a great bit of background and context in this Valerie Lawson article.

    Along with trainers, hoodies should be buried in time capsules to show future generations the ultimate utility wear of the early 21st century.

    Christchurch • Since Aug 2007 • 418 posts Report

  • Southerly: Life at the Edge of the…,

    Starting from this article in __ Notornis __1991 of a bird survey on Pig Island (just off the Riverton coast) and Omaui Island, we should be able to figure out what the large flocks are. I reckon they are possibly, Turnstone, Southern Black Backed Gull or White Fronted Tern. Seems like Sooty Shearwater aren’t that numerous. Other numerous birds like shags are presumably pretty obvious.

    I agree with Danielle about the ‘bwah’ moment. One of these a day on Public Address is all anyone can really ask of free entertainment.. Yesterday’s for me was Angus’ comment about how disappointed he was in the lack of Nascar action on Idiot/Savant’s site.

    Christchurch • Since Aug 2007 • 418 posts Report

  • Hard News: In tha Hoodie,

    Wow, Russell really is serious about getting down with the kids.

    At the moment Kitchener and his crew are concerned about a Christchurch crew going by the name of PAS. They are starting to tag in Hawke's Bay.

    Don't like graffiti? He doesn't care

    Christchurch • Since Aug 2007 • 418 posts Report

  • Island Life: Gassed Up,

    did enjoy this week's Top Gear with the 24-hour endurance race. That was very interesting, although I have a sneaking suspicion that Prime is now trimming Top Gear to fit in the astonishing number of ad breaks they have.

    Yes I noticed that too. It was like there should have been a final segment about the end of the endurance race but sudddenly we were at the credits. it's a pretty awful programme, men being boys with their toys, but it's so darned entertaining I can't help myself.

    Christchurch • Since Aug 2007 • 418 posts Report

  • Island Life: Gassed Up,

    Scott Dixon was just trying to drive ‘green’.

    "I was trying to save fuel and just see how the car was in traffic," he said.

    Christchurch • Since Aug 2007 • 418 posts Report

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