Posts by Luke Williamson

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  • Hard News: Deja Vu,

    Apologies. You're quite right. Paul does that to me. I just wish he would STFU sometimes and learn a bit of humility in the face of some glaring problems.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: Deja Vu,

    You're on form today Steve B!
    I always love it when people say "Just throwing money at it won't cure the problem". Of course it will! It's just that we hardly ever throw enough - possibly because there isn't enough but that's beside the point.
    Re Mr English - I understand that his job forces him to have a house in Wellington but that's why we pay him $267k pa (approx. $3200/week in the hand by my calcs). So that leaves him $2300 to play with if he has to pay his own way like all the rest of us in this democratic nation. Boo hoo for Bill.
    Re Paul Holmes - wanker! Always was and still is. Sorry about Milly but it's probably mainly the fault of Hine and his own glorious self and I don't hear them apologising. Pay every talking head on TV and radio a flat rate of $60k pa and give the rest to people on welfare. Probably result in a lot more talent appearing per dollar.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Short and Long of It,

    Russell, I don't tweet or Facebook or MySpace cos I can't be bothered. But I do religiously follow Hard News. That's because I've been listening to you since you started on BFM and I have followed you to PA. I have shortcut straight into Hard News and have no problem with clicking from there to the comments. The site is easy to use and is successful and popular because of what you all have to say. Fine tune if you like but PA like the content the way it is I suspect.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: On Ideas,

    Presumably we all need to earn more so that we can get back to buying bigger TV sets and speculating in the property market again. I'm sick of constantly being told I have to compare myself to Australians. I don't value that comparison and would rather compare myself to Uruguay or Portugal or somewhere a little more interesting. It used to be Australia AND Ireland but no-one's allowed to mention Ireland anymore after their wonderful dream economy exploded in their faces. Let's choose to compare ourselves to Zimbabwe and then we can all relax.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: On Ideas,

    Whoops, how do you spell <quuuuote> again?

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: On Ideas,

    For all of Australia's wonderful natural resources, they can't drink gold and uranium. They are drying out and will have a real problem soon with finding enough water. So expect an invasion as we are still reasonably endowed with H2O. Will this help raise our GDP and per capita income? Maybe in the long run when every other country has dried out and poisoned itself. It's a long-term plan.

    <quuote>Well, perhaps the taskforce could do with a member who won't quote Hayek like the Bible.</quote>

    I saw Selma Hayek in a TV movie in the weekend. I'd quote her too - she is so sexy!

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: Another entry in the Public…,

    I would like to say thanks for the ups to the medical profession at the end Russell. My wife is a nurse and has worked the wards on and off over the years. It is a hugely tiring job, difficult and 95% unacknowledged. Yes, that's their job but nurses take a lot of shit at the coal face and have to do their very best in difficult circumstances. Equally the docs. My dad was a GP and most people only want to tell you about the time the doctor got it wrong. Every now and then you need to remind yourself of why humans live twice as long as they did 200 years ago.
    Hope all is well for you soon.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: What to Do?,

    My son hit me last night. Is that paternal correction?

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: What to Do?,

    Perhaps we could charge everyone $50 when they turn up to vote at the ballot box as well. $10,000 if you want to run as a candidate, $1 million more if you want to run as a party.
    We could balance the books on this whole democracy thing!

    This is definitely a good idea provided we make it clear that votes for candidates are non-binding and that a vote means that you are saying yes to the proposition that you may or may not support their proposed intention of entering Parliament.

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

  • Hard News: What to Do?,

    If it costs $9m to run this debacle, perhaps in future, anyone who wants to sign a petition that hopes to get 300k signatures should have to hand over a $30 bond for running the CIR. They can have their money back if the CIR is successful. At least it would make people think about what they were signing (once, twice, three times).

    Warkworth • Since Oct 2007 • 297 posts Report

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