Posts by Steve Withers

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  • Hard News: Current affairs TV in "making…,

    If we were going to ban the use of sow stalls in NZ, we must also ban the import of meat from animals raised in sow stalls. Otherwise, it makes no sense to do it at all as anyone who wants to et around the ban just imports meat instead of buying it locally. Sure, it will contravene the often amoral and cruel open market rules past governments have signed us up for, but pretending we aren't really in control of our own destiny is part of an ideology we should all repudiate anyway.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2008 • 312 posts Report

  • Hard News: Put on the full armour of God,

    This has happened before. After the disastrous presidency finally packs up and leaves office, we find out, bit by bit, it was worse than we thought it was. Much worse. This informs our view of future presidencies and makes us more sensitive to the telltale signs of incredible ignorance and / or incipient madness and / or outright criminality in high office.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2008 • 312 posts Report

  • Hard News: That Buzzing Sound,

    If people like Sax are effectively 'buying' seats on government commissions, then we definitely need to know how much money they donated to political parties and to whom.

    There should be an online register of who gave what to whom so we can all judge for ourselves the context of some of these apparently bizarre appointments.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2008 • 312 posts Report

  • Hard News: When that awful thing happens,

    I have to admit that I tended to heavily filter "input" WRT to events in Napier because it was obvious all the usual emotive rubbish would be trotted out yet again. I don't think I'm desensitized to the fact of the shootings and the consequent pain and loss. But I am becoming desensitized to the media hysteria that follows on. Particularly as so often what we being told today proves to be rubbish later.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2008 • 312 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dear Prudence,

    I signed up for Powerpoint. had heard about it a few weeks ago and it sounded like a great idea. Thanks for facilitating the process. :-)

    Here was me thinking the NZ Herald has been editorialising for months to talk up the housing market in order to pump up real estate advertising.

    Must have been my imagination.....

    Auckland • Since Mar 2008 • 312 posts Report

  • Cracker: Of Tweets and Twats,

    Great post. Cameron is an "interesting personality" to say the least.

    Twitter's OK. I like the short, crisp pointers to diverse sources of information and analysis I would not have found on my own.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2008 • 312 posts Report

  • Busytown: Tweet as,

    On Twitter, I find the "I'm buying a litre of milk" tweets tedious and a waste of my time if not that person's.

    What I DO value is all the interesting bits and pieces and links that others come across that I might have otherwise missed. In return, I share links and things I have found interesting.

    It helps to be a curious person who wants to know things. If one isn't curious about what is going on in the wider world and looking for sources of useful information about topics of interest, then Twitter will be utterly pointless.

    Twitter is a point-form sharing engine of pointers to more information or experiences. If you don't want that, then don't waste your time on Twitter.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2008 • 312 posts Report

  • Hard News: Onwards and upwards,

    Congrats to Clark if this proves to be true. She will do a great job.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2008 • 312 posts Report

  • Hard News: Problems,

    Re: Go Galt - oh how I do wish the selfish, greedy up-themselves "producers" would all bugger off to some hole somewhere and let people who understand community, co-operation and shared success get on with building a better, more and fair world.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2008 • 312 posts Report

  • Hard News: Problems,

    National is busy implementing the very policies that lead to the global financial crash: gut the regulators and trust the market.

    Not only did National not see the crash coming, they still have NO idea what caused it. Their only answer is to ape the Bush era in a dumb, dim beast sort of way: tax cuts and a PPP drive to loot the state and PPP all over taxpayers.

    Auckland • Since Mar 2008 • 312 posts Report

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