Posts by DCBCauchi

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  • Hard News: About Occupy Wall Street, in reply to Lucy Stewart,

    …because we all know pre-European Maori culture consisted of food-sharing, a particular verbal tic, and killing each other. Right.

    Pre-European Maori culture was an extremely highly sophisticated stone-age culture, an off-shoot of the culture that explored and colonised the Pacific, from Taiwan to Hawai'i to Easter Island to New Zealand. All by knowing how to use flax and stone, the sea and the stars.

    It wasn't just people in grass skirts eating each other. We have a lot to learn from the people who know how to live in this land.

    (My point is that that wasn't meant to be an exhaustive list of examples.)

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Occupy Wall Street, in reply to Russell Brown,

    One thing I became very aware of when I lived in London was that British people had a very different attitude to home, visitors and the sharing of food and drink than the one I’d grown up with.

    Both my parents were born in England and came here. One by boat when she was 4, the other by plane when he was 25 or so. I grew up thinking I was English, until I actually met some English people.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Occupy Wall Street, in reply to BenWilson,

    Yes, we might be a republic already.

    I reckon we should think of ourselves as an essentially Maori society. Look at Te Kooti. He took what the Pakeha had to offer and used it. Just as the Pakeha took what the Maori had to offer and used it. We end our sentences with 'eh', we take food and drink round to the barbie, we raise our eyebrows when passing people on the street. We're still pretty violent.

    Te Kooti was the foundation of our society. He showed us the way to the promised land. Ngati Pakeha.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Occupy Wall Street, in reply to BenWilson,

    I’m undecided on that in the long term, but for now, definitely not. It should be reformed piece by piece. But this reform could be very rapid, at least it could be in this country.

    I do not think anyone is asking for revolution. What I see people asking for is reform of our existing institutions through non-violent protest. What we need to negotiate is the nature of that reform. Reform them so they work as intended, are fit for purpose.

    Isn’t that kind of how democracy works?

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to Paul Williams,

    I don’t think that’s correct Craig, I can’t recall Clark dodging interviews on any significant issue but it was a while ago (perhaps you mean speeding tickets or paintings rather than substantive matters).

    How about Clark’s response to Hager’s GM book?

    (And everyone knows hardly anyone ever comments on blogs any more. Apparently it's not trendy any more.)

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to Lilith __,

    Compulsory philosophy of science FTW!

    Now there's a slogan.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to Russell Brown,

    But seriously David, you're way off-topic, even by our standards. I've tried not to argue with you because that generally results in an even bigger derail, but, c'mon.

    Off-topic sure. Derail, really?

    All I'm doing is putting forward my point of view and seeking a response. I don't think that's too much to ask. One among many. I don't ask for any particular kind of response. Ignore me, laugh at me, talk with me, I don't actually care, because it ultimately doesn't actually matter. I know which I prefer, but I don't mind. How you respond is entirely up to you.

    What I think matters is that everyone can freely have their say. Bomber, you, me, an imprisoned gang member, everyone. We're all people.

    Everybody is an artist, and your life is your work of art.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to Sacha,

    Great derail.


    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to Rich Lock,

    But if you genuinely can’t see that releasing a bunch of people with a proved propensity for violence as a first resport out into the population as a whole might be problematic, then we really have nothing further to talk about.

    Of course it's problematic! But it's a problem that can be solved. By empowering people with knowledge and techniques within a supportive environment. Not locking them away in a brutal environment.

    And I believe I have specifically mentioned the role of individual responsibility in re: the consequences of the choices you make.

    Let me tell you a story.

    Once upon a time, back in the day, I would go to parties where these large gang members would show up. Not underground rock and roll parties but middle class university student parties. The gang members happened to live next door. I vividly remember walking down the hallway, dodging hulking leather-clad forms leaning against the wall, stepping over used heroin needles, 18 years old and off my chops on a bottle of bourbon and far too much weed. But I never felt scared.

    They were really good guys. Treat them like human beings and they'd treat you like one. All anyone wants to do is live their life. What's so hard to understand about that?

    A world where everyone has a place to stand.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

  • Hard News: Dropping the Bomber, in reply to Stephen Judd,


    Thanks Stephen. Yes, that is what I'm talking about. Mark of Cain indeed.

    Incidental historical fun fact: The Maltese are Semites. Christian Semites ever since the Roman Empire (which has never left us) pranged St Paul into the Maltese rocks, but Semites nonetheless. Mostly anyway. A hodgepodge. Like all of us.

    Since Feb 2011 • 320 posts Report

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