Posts by Sacha
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Love it, George. Your Views styles again, right?
Don't you mean?
A lot of them flatulent unicorns lately..
Graeme, I suspect it's nothing more than sloppy language from a political n00b to use the word "suspended".
Tim, in your last sentence surely you mean if those people are repeatedly accused of infringing the law.
And I wonder how so many of you know the other meaning? :)
Comment about the Summit probably best over here on Keith's dedicated thread.
was already being used to describe men who cruise for under-age gay sex
I did not know that, Emma. I'll never hear it the same again..
Craig, for me the phrase is not about foolishness. It conveys the distasteful hypocrisy of loudly advocating war while avoiding it yourself. Seemed to say something about the cowardly character of a man claiming to be a tough talker and echoed the character of the party that elevated him. I agree with you about the honourable exceptions.
Hey, Craig , I call em as I see em - lots of macho swagger and bugger all substance. Someone came up with a handy compound word for that, which I reckon characterises much of the terminal rot in the Republican camp. What do you suggest I call it?
Check the Job Summit's beehive page for a list of the "top 20" ideas and powerpoint listings of all the rest for each workshop.
Much of it sounds like the Act manifesto and their MoU with National. All those "impact statements" on regulations would seem to require extra bureaucrats or lucractive contracts to friends of the party.
Despite the confidence of Mr Tindall on telly last night, I'd have to agree these results are hardly inspiring stuff - which might explain Key promoting the cycleway from the back pocket to seem otherwise.
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