Posts by recordari

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  • Pass the crisps: UK Election watch,

    Double post. Is the UK Electorate Disengaged?. Was looking for this voter turnout stuff earlier in response to the Voter Power website. Isn't the turnout relevant to this in some way?

    PS. Turns out Tunbridge Wells was 65.8% in 2005. Much higher than average, so guess not going to influence things as much as in other cases.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reproduced Without Comment,

    Was going to post this on the UK thread, but we seem to have got to Voter Turnout over here first.

    Is the UK Electorate Disengaged?. Predictions of between 53% to 61% (as per last election). That seems to leave quite a bit of room for mobilising voters, but that horse has undoubtedly bolted. Interesting, but.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Pass the crisps: UK Election watch,

    Sorry, I omitted the punchline about all those Labour celebrity supporters.

    Party strategists believe their endorsement will show voters the election is about vital services.

    Yeah. Vital services for wealthy celebrities.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Pass the crisps: UK Election watch,

    Well, he's brought his thug-thumping to Gordon Brown's assistance. Ross Kemp: Vote for Gordon Brown and save Britain.

    They include actors Richard Wilson, Prunella Scales, Liz Dawn, Roberta Taylor, Tony Robinson and comedian Bill Bailey.

    Prunella Scales? That should sort it. 'Basil, Basil!'

    Hang on, I see a conflict;

    Kemp is the latest celebrity to p ublicly back Labour. Others include Eddie Izzard, David Tennant and Star Treks Sir Patrick Stewart.

    And on Billy Bragg's feed;

    OK! Me and Mr Izzard out there against the BNP!

    United against the BNP, but in different camps? Fair enough, I suppose.

    But this just further confirms that the 'Party List' has another meaning altogether in UK politics. Now, who is Thom Yorke supporting?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Pass the crisps: UK Election watch,

    Starting to look like 'Celebrity wheel of misfortune'. 'You own a paper of a TV channel? No? Then STFU!'

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Pass the crisps: UK Election watch,

    Has anyone else been following Billy Bragg's activities? He posted this 11 hours ago.

    The Daily Mail's front page today - a huge cartoon of Brittania walking blindly over a cliff - shows how scared the ruling class are of a hung parliament. They claim it is because coalition govt will lead to indecision. The truth is that coalition will lead to consensus, as it has done in Scotland and Wales. And that's... what the Mail, the Sun, the Telegraph fear most of all - finding out that, as in Scotland and Wales, the consensus in the UK is to the left of New Labour. Vote for change, on our terms, not on theirs.

    He also links to this, which breaks down the top 100 seats. Recommending tactical voting.

    Would there be rules around this sort of electioneering in New Zealand? He's pledged his support for the LibDems, but some of his reasonings leave me a little bewildered.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Changing Times,

    Beatles started out as pale imitators of US bands, they did OK in the end.


    OMG! You're not Beliebers are you?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Pass the crisps: UK Election watch,

    Apropos of nothing, while hanging pictures in a rather notable politicians house, on completion of the task they commented, 'well hung young man!'

    Yes. Thank you.

    Carry on.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Everyone's a critic,

    Are there any restaurants in Auckland (RIP Pompino, you shall always be missed) whose names aren't stupid plays on random Italian phrases?

    Yes. 'Wine Hot'. 'Mondial'. Oh, that's a Ferrari, so no. Good spot though, if you can get in. On the down side, it's full of Grey Lynners ;-)

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Everyone's a critic,

    The Prawnies are off...

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

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