Posts by Sacha
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Again, I don't see how merely saying that something is a force for an idea is the same as saying that it is "required" or even the only such force.
Me, tiresome? Rob, if you don't know what the law is - as demonstrated yet again just now - then try to restrain that gob of yours.
Mark, to me there is a big difference between the idea of a national culture and actual state-annointed propaganda.
I can see how something like APRA's silver scrolls might fit into the former but not the latter, so some of the comparisons upthread seem a bit of a stretch.
Maybe it's just me but I don't get what the non-government organisation APRA has to do with state-enforced culture.
Pad the room and give everyone nerf bats. Last one standing gets to write the Code of Practice.
At last, a practical solution!
Illustrious Energy
Hell yeh.
Anyone considering putting their livelihood in the hands of a supposed music industry professional would be well advised to first check their ability to distinguish between a law and a code of practice, possession of the basic adult ability to listen and understand reason, and the wisdom and grace to simply shut their yappy mouths when they don't know what they are talking about.
New Orleans? Is that still there?
Just less colourful than it used to be..
talking about the t-shirts
I noes, I noes.. :)
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