Posts by Sacha
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I don't have the resources or the intention to prop the banks up to save the system myself . That can only be done as a collective effort.
I believe Gareth Morgan was agreeing with you on Campbell Live last night (streaming vid).
Have one for me! Oh, hang on...
Or is that CIO. Must be time to head for the same pub as Steve..
Glenn, I mention that distinction in roles because you're using the word "governance" to refer to operational management by the CFO.
And nor can Ministers appoint CEOs, of course.
Is there any evidence that Thompson had these things in place ?
Thompson is the Chair, not the CEO. Of course, Ministers can't sack CEOs..
internalising pedantry
I hadn't thought of that.
..and yet so far.
I've got doubts around the judgement and competence of Thomson and the ODHB
And if you have any evidence about that to add to what we've read so far, please do share.
Heh. In that configuration I'd rather have the 200.. :)
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