Posts by Simon Grigg

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  • Random Play: @fltfoxz. Gr8. C u 2moro,

    Speaking of freebies, you can't hook me up with a ticket, I suppose? ;)
    3410 is broke!

    Uhhh...I'm in Indonesia...sorry. They, the freebies that is, are notoriously hard to get hold of these days, with even the founding father of the BDO in NZ having problems I believe (which is simply wrong).

    But I do understand the reasons why it's so bloody tight.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: The song is not the same,

    The numbers the RIAA pull out always go on about how big the problem is, but don't tend to actually BACK them up

    I linked to it earlier but unit sales of music are up around the world in 2008. In dollar terms and CD terms sales are well down and the industry are crying gloom still but to me that simply points towards a failure, or structural inability, of the recording industry to adjust to a new playing field not dominated by traditional forms. They might be hurting but the music is not and for those at the coalface the adjustment has already been made.

    2009/10 are likely to be the last years that the big 4 actually substantially matter as they simply will no longer be able to offer anything of value to a recording artist after physical distribution ceases to be dominant, and that is happening faster than anyone they've relied on for analysis has predicted.

    This attempt to control something they can't control (in NZ appearing as S92a) is a last gasp flail. It's Canute-ism, with the waves being the recording industry in a post major label future which is still being defined.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Random Play: @fltfoxz. Gr8. C u 2moro,

    Personally, I think Live Rust is incredible, though older listeners probably consider it too late-period.

    I just hated the whole Johnny Rotten angle but remember loving the movie at the time. I might not have bought it but I scored a freebie of the album from WEA and still own it. I do think think he's floundered ever since but, hey, you can't be essential forever and I really like his contrary-ism.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Random Play: @fltfoxz. Gr8. C u 2moro,

    I vaguely recall that Nash's stocks were high because he left the Hollies on a point of principle on them daring to cover Dylan?

    The Hollies Sing Dylan (or, more correctly, his rejection of such) might've give Nash a leg-up into Laurel Canyon but his work before that was nothing to get excited about.

    It's always amazed me (not that I've spent much time thinking about it) how someone can make a career spanning decades out of so little.

    Come to think about it, Fleet Foxes have something of The Hollies about them too, much more so than the usual Brian Wilson comparisons.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Random Play: @fltfoxz. Gr8. C u 2moro,

    Wooden Ships

    It was always attributed to Kantner on the JA recording, and I think they had a bit of legal to and froing before it was universally co-credited.

    CSN were most definitely of their time at Woodstock (as were a few others..Hendrix & Santana's Michael Shrieve driven performance being the other big ones) but their coup was bringing in Young that day.

    I was a bit of a Neil Young fan pre-76 (I've not bought anything since Zuma) going as far as to transfer On The Beach from vinyl to digital in the days before he saw fit to release it that way.

    Despite the fury over the Iraq war it didn't seem to inspire anything with the power or popular currency of Ohio, or for that matter Shipbuilding.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Random Play: @fltfoxz. Gr8. C u 2moro,

    Hard as it is to imagine now, CSN & CSNY were very popular, and their '71 live record seems to indicate that they were adored, by many.

    No only adored but absolutely massive. I'm old enough to remember as an young adolescent that Deja Vu was probably the defining record of 1970, and Ohio (since the word has come up) was the defining single of those times.

    Stills best moment, aside from For What It's Worth is, for my money, the recording of Wooden Ships by Jefferson Airplane on Volunteers.

    Crosby's first solo album, If I Could Only Remember My Name, is actually pretty good but not the masterpiece its often claimed to be.

    Aside from all that the biggest sin I can ascribe to CSN is their influence.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Random Play: @fltfoxz. Gr8. C u 2moro,

    I love old theatres

    ahhh, we have something else in common. Well, just about. I like old train stations, although not trains, and to be honest I'd not go out of my way to see one, but chance encounters are good.

    When a few of us (Blake come in) drove thru Malaysia in June, we saw some beauties, not least of which was an old British one (those are the best..I think it was the repeated viewings of A Hard Days Night when a lad) in Ipoh, which now served a dual purpose as a brothel, which I guess was handy for some.

    Not sure why I'm writing this, I must be bored.

    No, CSNY! (I think their live performance chops are way better than their actual songs, mind you.)

    I always thought the best part about CSN&Y was Neil Young after he left them.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Random Play: @fltfoxz. Gr8. C u 2moro,

    At one point, they lit up a joint

    As a non hooch smoker (and one who starts thinking that everyone, my wife included, is a police person if I do) I hate this more than most, and far more than an innocuous txt. The smell makes me gag and, well.....don't.

    Then again, having gone through an anti Fleet Foxes period to a brief pleasantly-enjoyable FF period to my current they-sound-like-Coldplay-for-groovers stance, I'd probably be driven to do something similar on my cellular device if I was dragged along (by a partner or such happens). Is playing Tetris on my phone ok? It's just that I think my snoring might be more offensive and I wouldn't be allowed to leave.

    [Very much with a ;) ]

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: The song is not the same,

    Bits of their latest album I find jarring and a bit crap. Other bits I think are sublime. It's a funny mixed bag alright.

    Hell I find that about most albums I buy. I thought the first Clash album was good all the way through though....

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    He vomited most of it up, but still looked pretty ropey for a few days.

    We have a another dog, a dacshund, who licks toads and then staggers around the garden in a haze before lying in corner for 12 hours of so with a sore head. She also tries to bring snakes inside. No bright.

    I'd expect at least some children to display it. NONE have, in my experience.

    I think that may be just you, as I, on several occasions, have seen parents giving their kids a small sip of mum or dad's beer or wine. We had a family event a few years back where we had a wee discussion with a relative who was happily letting his pre-schooler sip. The kid liked it. We were not amused, but it's not that unusual and you see a lot of kids in rural pubs drinking. I was allowed a shandy when I was a kid and quite liked it.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

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