Posts by Sacha
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Have you seen the state of footpaths in the Auckland region? If I were suicidal enough to cycle I'd prefer my chances on the tarseal.
if you couldn't explain the usage
Guilty until proved innnocent, the crux of resistance to the changes..
They'll be stoked to see you. :)
Let's not worry unduly about Chuck. He has enough on his hands navigating a corrupt and scary world from what he tells us.
Did you catch Jon Stewart acting out God's take on the overabundance of prayer?
I'd actually like some sections of the press corps to wipe themselves off and try to remember what they're supposed to be doing.
And I presume you're holding our fawning local media to the same standards.
he definitely had soul
Unlike some:
Sometimes the absence of an Edit button makes things more fun..
Orderly, bring a stretcher!
it shouldn't matter
And it's hardly definitive but Jim might like to refer to Campbell Live's easy-to-find 7 minute story about why it has mattered so much - although I agree with others that it won't so much from now on.
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