Posts by Sacha
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designed to KILL US ALL
Thought you said that was System's goal?
a tenth of nothing at all
Isn't that what the Large Hadron Collider is for measuring? :)
I used mine to take a short, but well-deserved, break.
Like that wonderful hard-working My Key. :)
New Herald opinion piece about s92 by Telecom's Pat Pilcher.
Yeh, I didn't want to oversell him but I found Shirky's relaxed and easy delivery of big concepts just goosebumpy at times, and so was reading the book. I would love to be able to write like that.
one place you can't buy anything is
Snuffed out by Vicks vaporub, perhaps?
However, Vicks manufacturer Procter & Gamble has slammed the study, saying it contradicts other studies and is based on limited data from tests on ferrets...
Shirky presenting about Social Surplus - better than the text:
Stewart, at the top of the West Coast I enjoyed the Bay House cafe near the seal colony in Westport, and a small detour after the Buller Gorge to the japanese bathhouse at Maruia Springs at the beginning of the Lewis Pass. Watch the ferocious mozzies though.
..or kale, which you can often buy alongside organic carrot-cake..
I like the way Shirky thinks and I thoroughly recommend his book "Here Comes Everybody". I've just bought another copy to give to a colleague.
A lot of his earlier writing is also on his site. For instance, Gin, Television, and Social Surplus is a good brief read:
Desperate Housewives essentially functioned as a kind of cognitive heat sink, dissipating thinking that might otherwise have built up and caused society to overheat. And it's only now, as we're waking up from that collective bender, that we're starting to see the cognitive surplus as an asset rather than as a crisis.
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