Posts by Hadyn Green

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  • Hard News: No end of mileage,

    I doubt you can pick one thing (not vital to survival like breathing) that all humans love.

    How about ... love?

    Curse you Brown and your keen insight!

    Yeah, I like Top Gear a lot

    The weird thing is, I don't. I find Jeremy wassisname to be the most annoying person to listen to about cars (and probably anything else), I much prefer the other guys. Jeremy seems to be all about power and speed. I see no point in that and much prefer beautiful cars that look nice as they cruise past you (now if they only came with an electric engine....

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: No end of mileage,

    Who said:

    its a plain fact humans LOVE cars?

    Were you trying to be funny?

    Coz that is just a dumb statement. As Tom points out "Humans" don't love anything. I doubt you can pick one thing (not vital to survival like breathing) that all humans love.

    I like cars for their form and grace when assembled by mastercrafts people in much the same way I like art, architecture and good food. but i don't care what gets me from A to B (with all due environmental concerns, selah)

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: No end of mileage,

    RE: cool American Cars

    How could you forget the Ford GTO?!?

    But I'm much more of a hotrod kind of guy.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: No end of mileage,

    has The Bypass settled down yet? Is it yet possible to cross town in anything near approaching the time it took before the bypass was built?

    It seems to be back to pre-bypass levels, at least from casual observation from the sidelines.

    Nope. Not down our way (Tasman St).

    We've suddenly got large traffic jams where previously there were none. You know who I blame? All of the single-person-per-car drivers! I can guarentee at least 80% of cars sitting in the traffic are lone occupant vehicles.

    Town planning goes a long way towards stopping the neccessity of having a car. but attitudes help too.

    I'm trying to think back to being a teenager (please no jokes). When you're getting all those hormones a car has appeal. Cars represent a form of freedom from your parents and society as well as a way to get girls (Rebecca's horror stories above not withstanding). The chance to get away from people as fast as you can if you need to (possibly to write bad poetry). It also still has huge testosterone-association. The guy with the car is SO much cooler than the guy who is the passenger. It also makes it easier to transport booze or drugs to places (can't take your bong on the bus, so to speak), whether they are doing it for good times or ill (again I reference Rebecca's posts above).

    Hmmm yes I am just rambling now, so I had better stop.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: No end of mileage,

    I have waited most of my life for the chance to quote an eagle's song on the interewebby thing

    With regard to the Eagles I stand with Jeff Lebowski I'm afraid.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: No end of mileage,

    Tom: you are talking from the perspective of someone who has a lifestyle that allows you to live on public transport.

    I luuurrrve the public transport options available in Wellington and wish there were more. The same goes for Auckland (except for the "luuurrrve" part). And Mayors can have an influence on this, and city planning, compared to being able to influence parents.

    But as Russel pointed out most of the roads deaths for youth* are happening on rural roads. Wasn't it Hastings last year where the kids wrapped themselves round a tree? I know my cousin was in a couple of crashes in Matamata (sorry for the anecdotal evidence). These are towns where you are not going to get 24hr public transport.

    Also having a car can be bloody handy for example the 48 hour comp on the weekend. If we didn't have cars we'd be screwed.

    *which reminds me, youth goes up to 24, for a good proportion of our national stats

    Oh and waaaay back someone asked why Bob Clarkson (who I hate) didn't open up his speedway to the boy racers. The reason is that his speedway has a dirt track (like all speedways) and street racers wouldn't go so well on that.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: No end of mileage,

    Is it in their DNA?


    that's a chromosone dude.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: No end of mileage,

    Yeah, getting a spokesperson for "youth" is like getting a spokesperson for "Maori" or "men". the demographic is too broad to get a good single representative (and it's not like the youth get to vote for one).

    I remember the ones they had on Holmes, they made Banks look intelligent. but they also seemed demanding. Like, just give us what we want and leave us alone. That's not gonna work kids.

    Also I think we're missing the point here, some of these cars look coooool (do the kids still say "cool"?). I say, just ban the ugly ones (you know the crappy lowered Honda Civics with big exhausts) and keep the beautifully made ones. Oh and could you also ban the loud one that drives past my place every night and sets off my car alarm.

    The other Hadyn (I swear no one is gonna spell my name right now).

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: Random,

    Roti Bakar, Roti Prata, or Roti Canal.....wonderful thin greasy bread, often filled with cheese or chocolate, or dipped in a curry sauce.

    Our local malaysian serves them with mashed banana on top. They serve the same bread with the chicken curry. We like it with (un excreted) coffee.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,


    And so it came to pass, in the year of Lord 2007, that Riddley and Merc and Craig (and with any luck Deb) did mend their differences and cross the divides which had split the system unsunder. And on that day there was a great rejoicing and feasting.

    And Russell, whose holy keyboard did descend from the very ROFLCOPTER of teh internets gods, made everything clean again with a post full of YouTube videos of kittens.

    And the cry went up amongst the gathered commentors "THEATRE!" for this was a grand and glorious show. And from that moment all was well once more in the Public Address.


    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 2090 posts Report

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