Posts by Sacha
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Yep, blaming the victim is such fresh thinking..
And fewer white knuckles... :)
One local principal stated flat out that he doesn't want any special needs kids at his school because they cost too much money.
And that's a direct consequence of the daft bulk-funding arrangements that incentivise schools to turn away as many disabled students as they can. It's easily fixable as the previous government was told for many years. The theme of the day seems to be "what a surprise".
I watched a bit of the fire-at-will debate last night and both Lianne Dalziell and Sue Bradford raised substantial fishhooks in the space of minutes - which would normally be dealt with during the select committee stages. They generously characterised those problems as unintentional, but again it's hardly a surprise that abuse of process produces deficient results, is it?
it's not like the system is suddenly going to start offering real options to those families
And that's the crux of my and Hilary's recent posts on the Attitude thread - unless the actual resources and political context are acknowledged, calls for more "personal responsibillity" or an excessively individualised focus are just making complex problems worse, and usually for those with the least power. This should come as no surprise.
Or "Lyndon Hood is only joking, honest"
Does anyone in the Nats realise what idiots they are making of themselves?
I believe they are probably relying on the last laugh principle..
Was Kenny the ginga one hiding under a punga?
It's not primarily people on stinking fast fibre or DSL
And let's not forget the shift to mobile browsing...
as glib as a televangelist dripping in cheese
Surely a journo could spin a headline out of that gold. I believe Noelle has some free time..
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