Posts by Steve Barnes

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  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy, in reply to Sacha,

    drug crimes are not civil offenses. proven copyright violation is.

    Depends on your perspective.
    Treating drugs as a crime allows the likes of criminal gangs to profit from drugs, it’s not as if making something illegal stops criminals doing it in fact it is a prerequisite, even just possessing drugs makes you a criminal as does any form of prohibition to “cure a social ill”. Therefore drugs should be considered a civil offence and a health matter.
    Copyright, on the other hand, is becoming, thanks to the Yanks, a criminal matter and, as such, will fall into the same vicious circle as drug law consequences.
    It is simple, make something a crime and criminals will profit, make a popular thing a crime and the profits become enormous.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Nobody wanted #EQNZ for Christmas, in reply to Sacha,

    I believe you’ll find even they’re admitting that they weren’t.

    Beside the point. They, at their worst, are better than the mercenary mob we have to put up with now.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: Nobody wanted #EQNZ for Christmas, in reply to merc,

    What ever happened to,

    a local government system that works in partnership with central government to promote economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being for New Zealanders in their communities. Labour…

    Simple. The idiotic voters of NZ wanted a “Hobby Prime Minister” who had the “ambishun” for NZ to be available for his rich mates to buy up with their bail out money. This is why we have no decent policy, we have no decent Government.
    It just makes me angry to see this Country being sold down the Swanny by a group of overpaid scumsuckers who care for nothing but their own wealth.
    You'all didn’t think Labour was good enough, remember?.
    Suck on that…

    Ok there were a few, very few, who actually agreed with me.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy,

    Some smart bugger just suggested removing all references to popular music and film from the internet altogether, take that, entertainment industry.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy, in reply to Simon Grigg,

    That’s an interesting re-reading.

    I like a nice re-reading. ;-)
    But you saw my point I hope.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy,

    After terrific year, music biz demands that world adopt “SOPA plus"

    In order to protect itself from piracy, the worldwide recording industry needs a few favors from governments and corporations around the globe, and a major new digital music report (PDF) from the industry’s worldwide lobby IFPI lays them out. When placed end-to-end, it’s a lengthy list—and its one that comes after a year of surprisingly strong growth for the industry.

    Ahh, the stench of greed, that is so 1985.

    With a healthy 8 per cent increase in our digital revenues in 2011 –
    the fi rst time the annual growth rate has risen since records began
    in 2004 – some might feel tempted to say that a troubled era for the
    music industry is coming to an end. Such complacency now, however,
    would be a great mistake.

    Frances Moore, chief executive, IFPI

    She goes on to say “The music industry has grasped the
    opportunities of the digital world in a
    way few, if any, other businesses can
    claim to have done.” and she is right, most other industries have done it without suing everybody in sight, corrupting politicians and blatantly crushing their opposition with the DCMA.

    The report has a nice picture of cuddly Placebo de Mango, its chairman, because opera is just so now, innit?.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy, in reply to Dylan Reeve,

    the US TV season is often interrupted with mid-season breaks of two to four weeks. Something that wouldn’t work for an NZ audience. So shows usually have to start at least far enough behind the US to absorb this break

    Wouldn't work for NZ audiences? Well I would prefer a 2-4 week break as opposed to just stopping a series in mid flight to show an Aussie dancing show or whatever and never see it return to our screens, with no explanation to boot.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy, in reply to Dylan Reeve,

    But it’s not, it is more like a self-storage service. If one person was storing drugs in their unit would we expect (and accept) that police shut down the entire facility?

    I think it's more like...
    If a person was storing recordings or videos of prescription drugs in their unit... etc.
    The state of global copyright law these days is bollocks. We should have a thread about it.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy, in reply to Russell Brown,

    That’s an interesting point. Spotify is legit and earns artists fuck-all. Megaupload is dodgy and earns (some) artists decent money.

    Which in my eyes is the real point.
    The recording and film industries have for years exploited the artists, it was only after such smart arses as Mick Jagger, using his LSE credentials no doubt, took the bull by the horns and gained control of the Rolling Stones music thus paving the way for other artists to get a fair suck of the sav.
    There are plenty of examples out there in interweb land proving that "free"can make money. The RIAA and the MPAA are the head of a hideous monster that should have sunk in the peat bogs aeons back, their distribution methods are so yesterday.
    I, for one will be downloading all my entertainment from now on, apart from live stuff that is ;-).
    These bastards have had their way for far too long..

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Mega Conspiracy, in reply to Graeme Edgeler,

    I think it goes something like this:

    Close but still no cigar.
    It is more like this HTML+CGI where the url triggers a script to find the desired content.

    Peria • Since Dec 2006 • 5521 posts Report

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