Posts by Sacha
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Got piles of ugly green piping stacked outside my place as a reminder of obnoxious protracted roadworks a few months back.
Note to any Googleistas in these parts - do check local Councils for timing and avoid immortalising streetworks, if that's possible. Some neighbourhood changes just aint attractive. <drinks coffee, feels more generous of spirit>
Settled, then. And I can imagine Roff being a Tongan film assistant from Ponsonby with big hair, for some reason. Not that I'm trying to reactivate any discussion about ethnicity.
"food" - surely pork. :)
I fondly recall the favourable impact of a freshly delivered pat inside one's boots during milking on a cold Taranaki morn. Taking them off later, not so much.
Or is it roflnui to avoid the ennui reference?
And when did word of the year become phrase of the year?
And how on earth did we end up talking about what black means..
How do you get that split screen with both street view and map at once?
Full of what? Ethnicity is about meaning as well as belonging - and it's highly relevant no matter how uncomfortable it makes some people.
Craig, "Black" is like Maori - we're talking ethnicity, not race. That's about belonging and culture, not about blood. If some columnists are too stupid to get the difference, then they're on the same page as legions of talkback rednecks in this country.
Don't you mean snuggering?
Heck don't apologise Paul - I'm enjoying seeing embedded vids for the first time in about a month. Happy :)
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