Posts by Islander

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  • Hard News: Thatcher,

    Met Thatcher once. 1985. 10 Downing Street. Nobody's mentioned that she actually wasnt very tall...I mean, I stand 5'7" in my bare feet and she really didnt.
    Annnd, her handshake was boneless (pretty common among those who shake hands all the time) and her eyes werent quite focused...
    Liked Dennis. Dennis & I had a drink. My blended Scotch sans ice as requested was shrug.
    I was helluva impressed by a REAL Turner up on the reception room wall.

    I utterly LOATHE all that Thatcher stood for, worked for, damaged countless people for - and, with equal intensity, loathe the squalid people in power here - for the moment- who stand for the same crappy human-rights annihiliatory
    richshits-enhancing policies...

    Putting my dancing hobnails on: you dont need an actual grave to dance on a hated enemy's head-

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Hard News: Key Questions, in reply to Ross Mason,

    Nah, it’s their over-weening pride/under-weenied-size (because they are all males)
    that they cant admit they’ve tried to warp/twist/use/abuse a democratic life-vein- one of the hard-fought-for ways humans have established for the general good
    of *all* humanity-
    I wont say this is limited to politically active males - that piece of Danish womanshit is on my humour/horror board forever!I can send out bad stuff to the silly um- person? Shrug/whateffer-in my thought-fields and know she gets it-

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Hard News: Done like a dinner, in reply to Bart Janssen,

    We will wait patiently. No rush just know that we do miss your contributions


    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Capture: Someone, Somewhere, In Summertime, in reply to Jos,




    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Capture: Got the blues, in reply to Sara Bee,

    Actually, as a colour literalist, that pink is graded largely white...

    one of the things about being blind (largely) in one eye, is - you (if you're my kind of person, artist etc.)you really intimately KNOW colours.

    I can feel them.
    I smell them. ( For this I have to print them off - and wait until the actual ink odour fades-)

    I can touch a fabric & know (eyes closed/in the dark) whether it is light or dark...

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Capture: Someone, Somewhere, In Summertime, in reply to David Hood,

    We were driving out to Orokanui Ecosanctuary for a day trip,

    Dear David - I really appreciate your posts but

    it is OROKOnui (SI dialect for Orongonui.) Kai Tahu Whanui is really proud of the place - and the name. We envisage it as an island, from which the birds will spread & regenerate the South...

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Capture: Got the blues, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Especially when it is majorly blue cloud...

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Hard News: Violence in the streets,

    Something to do with the distinct tribalism of Christchurch or just a bigger city thing?

    In my youth the warring factions were ersatz-mods versus flagonwagoners – v. much an Aranui/New Brighton thing…

    that said, there’s many places around/in ChChCh where I dont feel safe – but very very few like that in Otepoti…

    and, see above...

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Hard News: Violence in the streets, in reply to Raymond A Francis,

    Something to do with the distinct tribalism of Christchurch or just a bigger city thing?

    In my youth it was warfare between mods & flagonwagoners (v. Aranui -New Brighton thing…)

    Gah! ill-edit job!

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Hard News: Violence in the streets, in reply to Chris Miller,

    Anyone who doesn't think this shit happens needs to get their head out of their arse.

    When I first started studying martial arts, I learned that everyone was the enemy.
    You had a stick, and everyone out there was -not your friend. After the usual permutations -I know everyone IS the enemy & the beginning is the end-if you dont fight. Otherwise-you & your's continue-

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

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