Posts by Sacha
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Loving that mental image of Schulz wolfing a wood pigeon. :)
Now that's attention to detail.
taking my skateboard into movie theatres
Maybe they feared you would take rolling JAFAs down the aisle to another level.. :)
Small comfort?
I think we should put on a shuttle bus first to see how many of you would actually use it.
But we already laid on a horse-drawn shuttle decades ago and it wasn't popular - so what more proof do you need?
it kinda hits its stride at Ep4
Thanks for the tip, Peter - I'll hang in there.
U.S. Children Still Traumatized One Year After Seeing Partially Exposed Breast On TV
Upstanding Wellingtonians traumatised at the mere prospect that their fellow citizens may not be hauled away for taking their shirts off at the beach. Thinkin of the children again:
Have you seen the massive play park next to oriental bay? Don't you think some of the parents don't want their children to see an old hags' sags? Where do those children then go to play???
Why is this all of a sudden acceptable to be nude in the public eye? I guess the next thing you would tell me is that it has got nothing to do with one of the world's highest percentage of people with STD? Or sex in schools that are getting out of control? Or children that have a 'don't care' attitude, and basically do as they please...? You clearly forgot that is our future!
Heaven knows what they'd make of your hot tub..
Jose, sorry to mischaracterise your position by association. Craig, I agree political satire is very hard to do, and I respect anyone who tries. Just wish this were more.. well.. funny.
I agree with Jose and Craig - mildly interesting but sure aint funny.
Given the geography, the bike seemed a reasonable guess right across the park.
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