Posts by Sacha
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As long as Auckland doesn't also end up with accompanying telly adverts that look like they're apeing Melbourne's brilliant ones..
Salon book review:
"A pediatrician traces the rise of the anti-vaccine movement that falsely linked thimerosal with autism."
Well, our Kevin is good for some things at least: -
Turia's speech is okay though.
They were otherwise pretty good speeches, and the level of cross-party support was heartening. Of course, there's still a fair amount of work to turn that support into stuff that makes a difference in everyday lives. Like resources. Anyone got a spare billion?
"near-autistic" - nice. :)
Russell, on the Digital Divide matter, can you ask what the parties are planning on doing to remove online barriers for disabled people in publicly funded sites and services. Ta.
All I needed to read was who was bringing Jennings back to lecture us on what's good fer us.
Chris Auchinvole (Nat, List) gave the worst most embarrassing and patronising speeches I have ever heard in the House the other night
You mean this one (scroll down)? I'm sure some of his best friends are disabled..
Or 1st centry, for some folks..
But what the world needs is good ol 20th centry values.. :)
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