Posts by Sacha
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God bless Amerika.
I also admire the use of "bourgeois" along side "rampant socialisation" in that Herald diatribe.
Don, that would have to be the very definition of poo words, when the utterer hasn't got a clue what they mean but has been told that it's bad and so flings them around. And ignorance don’t count fer shit in a faith-based reality.
You seem particularly... exuberant today.
it's stopped rainingSlaps Knee. Chortles. Such an Orklund moment. :)
OK, not a story if the paper is in the form of homework..
Dog eats paper? Now that's a story.. :)
And yes, I found wading through this whole thread in one go more than a touch florid.
"I left them on the kitchen bench', smiles English embarrassingly.
And funny - bravo. :)
he's also not entitled to cry foul when speculation fills the gap.
Surely Craig you're talkin about yr man Key bitching about journos? You know, the ones who are bored by National's deliberate policy vacuum. The ones desperate for a story that isn't about how freakin amazing he is. The ones now resorting to reading the tealeaves and not even asking where the grubby mug came from?
Keeping quiet obviously has its downsides as a strategy. Soundbite journalism needs constant feeding, or the hacks get ornery.
Kyle, I'm with you on the value of investing in good health.
I'm saying it's not 'being old' that costs a lot of money, it's being sick or having injuries.
I was pointing out that disability is not the same as health, and that it does have significant costs that increase with age - hence my proposal for it to be insurance funded to cope with our ageing population.
I was leaving the billion for something else, and I like the sound of grass roots public health interventions. I also like the idea of well-organised entrepreneurship courses in secondary and tertiary education settings, focused on social as well as business innovation.
Seriously, why would you want Laws as your Mayor?
And I raise you John Banks. Twice.
Ahem, Kyle, please remember that there's more to it than "being sick or having injuries." Disability is correlated hugely with age - 87% of over 85 year olds are disabled in some way. That's not to say they aren't also fit and healthy - the concepts are not mutually exclusive unless you're thinking like an old-fashioned medico. Disability has always been a normal part of ageing, and of life for that matter.
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