Posts by merc

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  • Hard News: Biting back at Bill,

    Yes RB, you're right about the salaries, and that sort of culture is really hard to get rid of, that will take a revolution, not evolution. Same thing with AirNZ, Telecom, maybe even Health, Education, it's just very hard to wean people off big pay, low results required.
    And all the freelancers, what of them? I say this because that sort of warped pseudo corporate culture without the need for public good and self-interested shareholders (Telecom shares going for a monopoly real cheap!) is an oxygen-free zone for quick, good, lateral minds who maybe work not only for the money but to have a neat day at work doing something good, creative and productive. Not everyone wants their own business, or to go sole trading, I like being an employee now. You wouldn't get me working at these other places for big bucks, I did, mea culpa and it was just too damn soul destroying. Share holding managers can be particularly vicious, then I start to think about how few people there are here and the talented NZers overseas...

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Biting back at Bill,

    The rot set in when they stared listening to Kent Brockman and Troy McLure. Although I suppressed the Mayor Quimby meme, I was watching The Simpsons last night (getting child rearing advice, the kids use Homer against me) and hell, John Key is Mayor Quimby!

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Biting back at Bill,

    I used to be a Copywriter, who had to deal with TVNZ way back. I'm not a journalist, but from what I know (very little), the culture is just plain wrong for any kind of innovation or suggestions for it. It's going to have to take a Govt. intervention like Telecom, but (again), that is NOT going to happen, and the reasons why are just plain stupid (think Fiji Coup, Sri Lanka and other Govt. sensitive information control projects, not to mention election spending).
    Someone else here said, look at the doco's we used to make that are shown on Maori TV now (go MTV!), we were much better served then...why the slide?
    They'd have to pay me alot of money to answer that for them and I'd quickly be shown the door.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Biting back at Bill,

    Stoked! A quote. Personally, I think TVNZ is going to go down a long, long way before there's a re-build from the ashes. And that new promo suggests I may be right.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Stories: Life in Books,

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: A depressing day in court,

    Yes please, I saw Dylan Moran here live, he's really funny. I have seen Dave Allen live too, similar sort of funny. Dylan completely tore NZ up, some of the audience were offended but too stunned drunk? to do anything.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Civility Code,

    Heh, PAworld is un-unravellable. I used to drive a ute, best cars ever, a red one, we called it The Red Baron, my brother had a blue one, I'm not saying we were good ol boys or anything, I have lived many syndromes.
    Bruce kept it quiet that he was gay and dying of Aids, it was a shame really, but novellists, especially travel writers, are a strange breed. There was a very moving epitaph written of Bruce's last moments and life by a friend of his.
    The Utz American Indian tribe never surrendered, neither did Tuhoe I believe.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Civility Code,

    There is no syndrome I have left unturned. XU1's pretty? At least you can mention the shirt, I had a baby pink sweatshirt for a time, it hurts to remember that.
    I read Songlines, I like The Dreamtime. Bruce had a kind of sad life and end.
    Eric Newby's Travellers Tales is pretty good. I'm currently reading Kathleen Raines epic tomes on Blake, he was tried for sedition once. This is the wrong thread.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Civility Code,

    Clean as you go we say. Pink XU1, perfect for Newmarket in 1978, such a strange car (un-drivable at speed), such strange times. I wear pink boardshorts on occasion, in a manly way, you know.
    The nameless are so, because as you know a name is sacred and can evoke things, so they remain.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: A depressing day in court,

    Didactic poetry is, and is not.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

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