Posts by goforit

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  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    The tactis past the point of bribery where also given and that explains why officals are still dragging the chain.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…, in reply to BenWilson,

    Hi Ben, I am being careful, I actually did base those comments on comments made to me when we had meetings with Uber some time ago and we where told what the Uber tactics where going to be. When the blind eye was given to Uber it fitted the pattern we where informed on what was going to happen. I have to admit I am surprised you have not been deactivated by Uber, most of us earlier drivers got deactivated just telling them The Transport Act needed to be followed.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    The NZTA has never been slow in the past to enforce the act, ask us long timers of the industry, we use to fear any of there staff when they tapped on the window of our cars or knocked on your front door at home, we knew we where in for it. Now because of the current situation everyone is just laugthing at them and the minister in charge of there department. Ben you have only been in the industry for about 4 months give a thought to the men and women who have keep the industry going for most of there working lives and there been some really hard times to cope with. Uber has just about stuffed up the small passenger transport industry and taken it back 100 years when it was a wild west show.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…, in reply to BenWilson,

    Ben they canned it because of the outcome of the review, they thought by the bribe they had given to a certain MP and his side kick was going to have the review favour tthere model. They are now trying to get the Uber customers to put pressure on due to the lowered fares and the flood of new drivers giving an instance service to get the outcome of the review changed to suit there model.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    The down side of that argument is, taxi licences in this country are only worth the cost of the license a one off payment of approx $450.00 to the NZTA exactly the same price as after all it only the PSL that all passenger transport service operate under.
    To be a member of an ATO to operates a taxi varies from a joining fee of $250.00 to any thing some ATO asks for, some ATOs really overvalue them selves but the value of the license is still only about $450.00.
    Uber could very easily operate under our regulations as they are easy to comply to but this stuffs up there continual bull about regulations being to hard and expensive to follow.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    dont forget the chain of responsibity, everyone in the chain is equally responsible in reagrd to the Transport Act, in other words even the passenger who think they are on a good thing can receive offence notices in rationship to the Act.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    its all points to what we all think, one of Uber's tactics is bribery of officals in high places.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…, in reply to Alfie,

    dosn't actually tell you anything that is useful except accused you of being a crim, druggie etc.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    those statements where made just after the reveiw results where released, that a good thought it be great to be non compliant and just do what I want when the mood takes me.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

  • Speaker: Confessions of an Uber Driver…,

    The only enforcement of the act I have seen is from the Policer Officers who work within the CVIU and they have a lot of there plate to enforce over the whole of the transport industry.

    Auckland • Since May 2016 • 314 posts Report

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