Posts by dyan campbell

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  • 2010: The Cultural YTD,

    And Dead Kennedys without Jello Biafra? Not the Dead Kennedys (takes elitist music nazi hat off)

    Well ol' Jello is musically promiscuous himself.

    Jello Biafra with NoMeansNo

    My big sister Shirl produced NoMeansNo's first single Here Come the Wormies and was a deeply unlikely fixture at many hardcore punk parties.

    I suspect John Francis Daley is going to be one of those weird people (like Matt Smith, Michael J. Fox and Matthew Broderick) who will look like a twelve year old the day he dies.

    Craig, have you ever seen the film A High Wind in Jamaica ? There are a few scenes featuring writer Martin Amis as a little kid about 7 or 8 years old.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • 2010: The Cultural YTD,

    Had to wiki that show. Never heard of it before.

    I guess it never aired here. It was huge in North America (it was a cute, clever show - that defined 60s & 70s childhood in North America). There are clips of Jodie Foster at about 6 in a guest spot all over Youtube. Cruz is one of the few child stars that has really happy memories of his years in front of a camera.

    It was one of the shows that really helped my NZ husband Paul and me compare cultural and consumer notes. He is convinced NZ was in a different century during those years, all lumpy knitting and stern schooling. For me, that looked like my childhood.

    Brandon did indeed grow up to sing with the Dead Kennedys, he sings a cover version of the Harry Nilson theme song somewhere on youtube. The chemistry he shared with his on-screen Dad Bill Bixby was for real - Cruz grew up to spend the fortune he made as a child star on Bixby's expensive cancer treatment in his last days.

    Brandon Cruz grew up to be this very, very cool guy, and has organised lots of benefit dinners for the homeless in LA. His band is on the whole Dead Kennedys/Nomeansno Butthole Surfers/Chili Peppers skater/surfer music scene.

    The skater punk scene are all big on social responsiblity. Nomeansno were the first (before Madonna, before Iggy Pop, before IceT before INXS, before Billy Bragg, before U2, before the Stones, before Blondie) to help with AIDS education campaign. Punks for social responsibity, yeah.

    But on the same theme, a few years ago, a really good way to wind up emo-goths was to put on your best faux-sincere face, and ask if it was really true that Kevin from 'The Wonder Years' grew up to be Marylin Manson.

    Huh, well you just have to look at the faces, Marilyn Manson and that kid don't look much alike. Now the kid from Freaks and Geeks is instantly recognisable, despite being so much larger, in his role on Bones.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • 2010: The Cultural YTD,

    A shame. I was rather fond of their cover version of the Dead Kennedys 'too drunk to f***'.

    The Dead Kennedys had a few good songs. Can you believe that incredibly cute little kid from the 60s tv show The Courtship of Eddie's Father grew up to sing in that band? (he replaced Jello Biafra for a while).

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Field Theory: American Gods,

    I've heard the The Whiffenpoofs introduce one of their football songs with with that poem - about a player from their school's legendary football team

    Actually, on reflection, the poem was about a dim-witted player from their arch-rival's team, because I remember The Whiffenpoof saying something rather unkind about that "esteemed old correctional facility and technical school, Harvard", and they namechecked their famous alumnus, the Unibomber.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Field Theory: American Gods,

    You haven't lived until you've heard The Ballad of Fergie McCormick.
    Lyrics from Marcus' site here.
    The Ballad of Fergie McCormick

    I may be mistaken, but I don't think those lyrics are from here. For one thing I've heard the The Whiffenpoofs introduce one of their football songs with with that poem - about a player from their school's legendary football team (only with an Irish name, rather than a Scottish one)

    The song went on to the describe his subsequent glory crushing their arch rivals, the Harvard team. Besides, where would NZ have had a 10 story apartment building?

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Random Play: Police. Security. Screams.…,

    I see it all now, it all fits together..
    Justin... Beaver... Timber... Lake...
    Idle youth... idols... idylls...

    Prof Haywood... Rustle, anyone ... would you please... find some way to silence this guy, as he is very close to uncovering the the plot that I, along with all Canadians (including our rodents) have worked so hard to put into action...

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Southerly: Phar Lap and Me,

    So I take it you are serious?
    I cant for the life of me figure out what you think those 3 women have in common.

    Andin, if you take this for a serious discourse you need to get out more. This is satire.

    Those 3 women have in common a reputation for being unable to tell the difference between a social contract, a social construct and opportunism.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Southerly: Phar Lap and Me,

    Oh I get it now ..your playing Devils Advocate.
    Very funny... I ......think.

    Oh yes, all very hilarious until one of us winds up possessed by the spirit of Ayn Rand, Margaret Thatcher or Marie Antoinette.

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Random Play: Police. Security. Screams.…,

    All those French-language folk songs they're taught in school, about flaying beavers and suchlike?

    Canada's busy rodents are safe for now, what with top hats being out of style, and their tireless industry bringing glory to our nation:

    World's Largest Beaver Dam found in Canada

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

  • Random Play: Police. Security. Screams.…,

    hmmm old enough to remember the Beatles frenzy and to be horrified that my female friends liked this.

    Uh, if you're old enough to remember the Beatles frenzy then you must be the same age as Beiber's Opa. I was born in 1957 and I was too young for the Beatles. In fact, the Monkees were created to sell to my generation.

    I'm just not sure why such a need to go crazy exists in our species (and yes I am accepting that Canadians are the same species :P).

    If you just look closely you will see the difference between need and desire and you will find they are not remotely the same thing. This is the evil genius of modern commercial enterprise.

    The technical terms are "rhotic" and "non-rhotic".

    Ha, thank you Stephen. Even after 21 years in this country I still struggle with the occasional conversation.

    My husband Paul looking for something:



    "Whee what?"


    "Whee what? What's so thrilling?"

    "What are you on about? And it's not heeea!"

    (Understanding him because "heeea" is probably meant to rhyme with "whee")

    "Oh, you must mean WHERE"

    "Weah WHAT? Now you want me to CHANGE?"

    auckland • Since Dec 2006 • 595 posts Report

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