Posts by HORansome

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  • Hard News: Wikileaks: The Cable Guys,

    Thank you, James George, for making any attempt to talk reasonably about the matter instantly part of a grand conspiracy narrative. Your contribution to the "You can't falsify this" rhetoric has been noted.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Popular Paranoiac Politics, in reply to Hihi,

    Hey, Hihi.

    Technical question (because I;m writing on this topic at the moment); why did you use the term "conspiracist" to describe Doutre and Hilliam rather than conspiracy theorist? I'm not convinced there is a right or wrongness to whichever term gets used, but I'm just curious to know if you have any explicit preference for conspiracist over conspiracy theorist in this case?

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Popular Paranoiac Politics,

    My mother (this was back in the sixties) dealt with two Mormons by telling them she would read the Book of Mormon if they'd read the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church. What followed was, according to her, six weeks of quite interesting debate on the merits of each others' religion.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Popular Paranoiac Politics, in reply to Sam F,

    Yes, it is a bit weird to be told by someone that "The mainstream media and orthodox academia does not want to see what I have to show you" and "You cannot show the mainstream media and orthodox academia this material evidence of a pre-Māori civilisation." Luckily for you, the evidence shows nothing of the sort, although, I suppose, you do have to trust my word on that. Maybe, as a member of the orthodoxy (and sometimes media person) I am hiding the truth from you all.

    But not tonight. I've had too much Leffe Blonde to hide the truth tonight.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Popular Paranoiac Politics,

    "New Zealand's Next Dictator" will start in the new TV season as soon as the current dictator, Gerry Brownlee, has finished his term. Jason Gunn and Paul Henry will be your hosts as the nation looks for the next Kiwi to be granted extraordinary powers.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Public Address Word of…,

    I'm going to work at getting "conspirational" (courtesy of DPF) into the lexicon for next year; I'm already trying to work it into the thesis.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Popular Paranoiac Politics,

    After my public/online spat with the Celtic New Zealand crowd a few years back I now get sent pictures of pre-Māori artefacts, presumably to convince me of the wrongness of my views. I'm not allowed to place them online for you all to look at, and I wouldn't want to, either; the cognitive dissonance required to interpret rock formations and concretions as the carvings of some advanced and global superculture might kill those of you who haven't spent four years getting used to ingesting the wacky on a daily basis.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wikileaks: The Cable Guys,


    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wikileaks: The Cable Guys, in reply to James George,

    A general but important point: Columbus did not discover the Earth was round. We've known that for a very long time; what Columbus discovered was that the spherical Earth was much larger than he anticipated.

    Let's not get history (or let others get history wrong) just to make easy points.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

  • Hard News: Love you too, man,

    Given it's a Friday and the custom is to link, chat and the like, I'm going to blow my own horn and recommend people go to Twitter and search/follow the #twecon hashtag. I'm running a little social media experiment; a Twitter-based conference where the papers must be six tweets or less. We've already had some good papers and there are more to be delivered before the end of the day.

    Tāmaki Makaurau • Since Sep 2008 • 441 posts Report

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