Posts by Simon Grigg

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  • Hard News: Go Us,

    it is quite amusing observing the frenzy of comment from you and others. McCain. Unserious & cynical. Yeah right. Just ignore his whole life and political career

    you sound very uncomfortable SageNZ. Maybe you should do some cherry picking and tell us all about it. Start with the stuff about being a war hero.....

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Go Us,

    The Polar Bears speak out:

    We swear, that woman would make a stew out of the hind legs of the Lamb of God.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Go Us,

    Simon Grigg - check out the Palin facts link from my earlier. Perhaps you did not quite get the self referential aspects of the whole damn website.

    Oh I get it now it is a parody site..well silly me. I like those..this is a good one. Helengrad..that had me rolling....

    Good on you SageNZ!

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Go Us,

    You mean she's been to France?

    no, no, no, no Russell it was a really really witty reference to that time when the French chickened out and everybody said they were surrender monke.....oh never mind...

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Go Us,

    Yeah, Barack Obama levels of experience.

    From National Review (linked elsewhere here)

    That said: Can we conservatives please stop kidding ourselves about Barack Obama's "qualifications"? Yes, if I had been a Democratic donor back in 2006, I'd sure worry about whether Barack Obama had what it took to be president. That was before he took on the toughest political operation in America, before he beat Bill and Hillary Clinton, before he won 18 million primary votes.

    Obama's nomination was not handed to him. He fought hard for it and won against the odds. "Qualifications" predict achievement. Once you have achieved, it doesn't matter what your qualifications are. Who cares whether the guy who built a big company from nothing didn't have much of a resume when he started? But if you are applying to run a big company built by somebody else, the resume matters ...

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Go Us,

    There's something a wee bit creepy about this.

    Agreed...I cringed a little when I read this over the weekend.

    More importantly:

    There's really only one criteria for the electorate when choosing a VP in the US - "can they fill the spot if the President croaks" - she's definitely in Dan Quayle territory there

    But if this trooper thing gets legs we may be looking at a different candidate anyway. Either way the whole thing points more and more at a major lapse of judgement from McCain and whoever is giving him the nods.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    It's pretty hard to escape the conclusion of Shannen Coffen on that well-known far-left outlet, National Review:

    And Rick Brookhiser &, more importantly David Frum, from the same publication, whose post includes:

    I (and most NRO readers) will vote against Barack Obama because I oppose his ideas. He is (at best) an old-line Walter Mondale taxer, spender, and regulator possibly still under the influence (at worst) of the radical alienation from America preached in his church and expressed in his own early writings. I'd vote against a candidate like this even if he had previously served as CEO of Google, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Governor of California, with a Nobel prize on top of it all.

    That said: Can we conservatives please stop kidding ourselves about Barack Obama's "qualifications"? Yes, if I had been a Democratic donor back in 2006, I'd sure worry about whether Barack Obama had what it took to be president. That was before he took on the toughest political operation in America, before he beat Bill and Hillary Clinton, before he won 18 million primary votes.

    Obama's nomination was not handed to him. He fought hard for it and won against the odds. "Qualifications" predict achievement. Once you have achieved, it doesn't matter what your qualifications are. Who cares whether the guy who built a big company from nothing didn't have much of a resume when he started? But if you are applying to run a big company built by somebody else, the resume matters ...

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    So, no, I had sufficient prior knowledge on which to base my enthusiasm.

    To borrow from Steve Clemons:

    What does she think about Cuba? Does she know the difference between America's relations with Brazil and Venezuela? Does she know what a balancing act we are walking in Asia between Japan, Taiwan, China, South Korea, North Korea, Russia and more? Does she know anything about nuclear weapons and our defense posture?

    What books has she read? Who are her inspirations as thought leaders? Has she written any serious articles or published anything we might see to get a sense of who she is?

    What would she do with Iran? Can she name even five nations on the continent of Africa?

    Unless you can answer this sort of thing, I think you are still spouting partisan twaddle to say "I had sufficient prior knowledge on which to base my enthusiasm".

    Obama has a problem with woman voters, McCain is smart to try to exploit it.

    You still don't get the offensively flawed equation here, do you James.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    From David Rees:

    Enough with the analyses and assumptions of "electoral tactics" playing a role in John McCain's vice-presidential pick.

    John McCain said he would pick the most qualified candidate for the job of vice-president.

    John McCain picked Sarah Palin.


    Because John McCain believes Sarah Palin is the most qualified person in America for the job of vice-president.

    Stop overanalyzing it.

    The End.

    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

  • Hard News: Awesome,

    Mine either, but the clip is up at the Kos.


    Just another klong... • Since Nov 2006 • 3284 posts Report

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