Posts by Islander

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  • Hard News: My Food Bag: is it any good?, in reply to Martin Brown,

    Yep. And I thoroughly recommend both fresh & hot-smoked fish. If we cant catch our own, we gladly buy this - 'twas used for my mother's 86th & my 66th birthdays
    in Feb/March this year...pricier than most but truly worth it!

    (NB: aside from eating the fish, I have nothing to do with Alpine Salmon.)

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Hard News: My Food Bag: is it any good?, in reply to Bart Janssen,

    pparently butterfish would be a great option. It’s also tastes good.

    Butterfish are delicious, but notoriously picky in taking a bait (there are weird things tried...) They are not shoal fish in my experience, but that experience is limited to Kaikoura & Moeraki & environs.

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Hard News: My Food Bag: is it any good?, in reply to Nora Leggs,

    As someone who cooked fishnchips for 2 years(but blackened tips a n0-n0) – I’d say those’re pretty near perfect-
    in ”’Bait” – one of my major characters is a wisecracking fishnchip cook: you’ll find my perfect recipes for chips therein-
    when - sigh - I finally sell off my Big O house and shift to the homestead East Coast Otago-

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Hard News: My Food Bag: is it any good?, in reply to Joe Wylie,

    Whoa! That's a real can of worms/capsicum! Ye gods&little fishes! *35%*!!

    And without any proper testing on the animals so affected...

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Hard News: My Food Bag: is it any good?, in reply to Joe Wylie,

    Good to see that noted, Joe-

    seals are really good at harvesting penned salmon-

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Hard News: My Food Bag: is it any good?, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    That pretty pink colour – colouring in the feed.

    Well, I trust you actually meant ‘deep red orange’ colouring…otherwise the salmon-farmers are getting the mix wrong...

    While wild-caught salmon are much better eating, their stocks are still kept up by
    by captive hatching, and later release – and all wild-caught salmon can carry a parasite load (which includes ones that can infect humans, if the salmon is eaten as sushi…)

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Hard News: My Food Bag: is it any good?, in reply to Ross Mason,

    That article let out the secret of *savoury* eclairs!

    In Oamaru (at the farmers' market) you can obtain some of the best traditional eclairs, made by a German-trained baker (his other wares are pretty good too-)
    The cooked batter is crisp; the custard is perfect, with just a hint of coconut, and the dark chocolate icing is superb...

    while I really enjoy these, I especially like making my savoury versions: best success to date - a mix of fresh salmon eggs & lightly smoked salmon pieces in creme fraiche with (secret) herbs & baby rocket.

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Hard News: My Food Bag: is it any good?, in reply to Raymond A Francis,

    ike catching your own whitebait and then sharing the resulting meal with friends
    Or growing the salad and remembering to plant a succession so you can keep on doing that all summer

    *’bait or any fish, including my reserved-for-family-only smoked- silver-bellies…

    I have nothing against the scheme – sounds really good for those foodies who can afford it (I couldnt, and! they wouldnt deliver this far south-)but there are always ways to entertain your family & friends with special foods you’ve collected/grown/or just plain cooked yourself-

    cheers all!

    **O, panko? Waaay better than most breadcrumbs you can buy-

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Hard News: My Food Bag: is it any good?, in reply to Russell Brown,

    The irony there is that it’s not uncommon for editors to hand over review copies of books and tell their poor reviewers that is the payment.

    Which is why I stopped reviewing books in ANZ...

    For reviews overseas, they actually pay money as well as the book copy.

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

  • Capture: Cats Love Cameras, in reply to Hebe,

    Who are you calling four eyes

    OO aaah!

    How can i say how much I love these posts?!

    Big O, Mahitahi, Te Wahi … • Since Feb 2007 • 5643 posts Report

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