Posts by kmont

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  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Rather my point is, wasn't Iti doing more damage to his cause by cosying up to an unelected dictator who has comitted some terrible acts on his own people - what does that say about his values. And while, yes Mr Bananarama (yes, I am being facetious) did recieve ovations at the Pacific Forum, he got a bit of a telling off from the Solomon Islands rep.
    I find this whole move to 'brown solidarity' regardless of politics to be a very short-sighted move on the part of some activists. And no, I'm not being naive, I thinking in terms of Pacific Realpolitik.

    I tend to agree with all of that but right now I am more interested in having more information about what actually happened in the Uraweras. It's not just about Tame Iti after all. There are 17 people directly implicated in.......what exactly? I am not inclined to be snide about activists for the hell of it. I am tending to focus my attentions on the police's actions. I mean, seriously, 8 cars of police for a 72 year old??????? I know they say that it isn't related to the "terror raids" but even still. Overkill is how it looks to me.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Anarchy is anarchic - and anyone who can say "smash the state" with a traight face needs to be dragged out of the 1960s and locked up.

    Locked up? Really? Harsh.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Real Media,

    At uni, however, tutors were very useful cats.

    Added bonus is it is semi-acceptable to have one as a love interest.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Real Media,

    Kowhai, there's a lot to be said for just being taught by older kids. They're a lot cheaper too, and it's less dodgy when their students fall in love with them.

    LOL, some truth in that.
    Sadly for me older kids taught me squat at school.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Real Media,

    and played Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego.

    Yeah what was with that? I didn't learn much of anything useful about computers at school, except touch-typing.

    An inspirational teacher for me who did guess what? Left teaching to work in computing. Funny that.

    I don't know how practical this is (probably not at all) but I have this theory that x amount of teachers (say 50%) should only teach for 5 years. People for whom it is a vocation are special and rare indeed. That doesn't mean that kids can't benefit from learning from someone who goes on to become a policeman (my high school Maori teacher) or who worked in industry for a large proportion of their working life (my 6th form Chemistry teacher) both of whom were excellent teachers. I guess it is a waste of money to train people up and have them leave to go to other professions but new blood can be a good thing and lots of kids can relate to these non-standard teachers.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Real Media,

    And teaching them how to verify whats on wikipedia. I'll try, but it was hard enough getting them into the library to look up some information. Getting them to start cross checking, thinking about where they got the info... I'm tired already. :P

    Keep on trucking, we appreciate your hard work.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Real Media,

    And I really strongly believe that it's useful for kids to be encouraged to think and talk about the media they're most likely to be using. And, even more so, to be taught how to assess information, which IMO is a critical task for modern education.


    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Does anyone know when we will actually get information? Or care to hazard some informed guesses? How long are these remanded guys actually going to have to sit there?

    Yeah, I am not comfortable with two years and I think the public deserves a timeframe.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Stories: Memorable Meals,

    As a seven year old I ate a very memorable coconut pancake. I was on a small boat crossing over from a small island in Fiji back to the mainland. On the trip over there were giant waves, I remember them being at least three times as high as the boat ; ) and I was very sick. For the return trip our host had packed us some delicious coconut pancakes which I doubted I would be able to hold down. I stayed above deck this time and found my sea legs, I was so proud of myself. I had forgotten about the pancakes and then I found them in my bag! The joy of food you forgot you had.
    Best. Pancake. Ever.

    I also particularly enjoyed surrepticiously stashing sushi into a lunch box at a high class sushi resturant. My dining partner and I had previously pleaded unsuccessfully to be allowed to doggy bag our uneaten sushi. Apparantly this is out of the question because of food hygiene laws. I watched my compainion argue in that infinitely polite Japanese manner with the master of the resturant. "Absolutely not possible, deeply sorry sir etc", says the master. But my compainion was determined and judging by his flushed cheeks, quietly drunk. Once the master's back is turned, out comes the bento box and about 10 pieces of sushi disappear into it. Upon turning around it is clear what we have done but it would be undignified to mention it. The next time we go out for sushi it is in an even swankier place. We cross a small man-made stream to a private tatami room with a kimono clad attendant who brings us multiple courses, she barely makes a sound as she enters the room to clear dishes and replenish drinks. This time we don't bother asking, and several times the bento box has to be hastily hidden under the table and giggles stiffeled.

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Qaeda and the God Squad,

    Could everyone who has the inside word please dump it here? It seems as though there are an awful lot of you.

    For one thing, I'd like to know whether it's the same word...

    Well I guess that we are not privileged insiders. Who knows when we will get any information. A still feel a bit haunted that people were photographed in front of their cars holding up numbers.

    Right now we have the most potentially divisive situation since 1981, with no indication of when justice will be done, and the government legally distanced from so much as commenting on events.

    That is about the size of it. I appreciated reading what Graeme Edgeler had to say. Especially about search warrants, I didn't know any of that. But where are people supposed to get their information from? People like myself who don't have extensive legal background. There doesn't seem to be any timeframe being given about when we will know anything. I wonder if most people in the wider community will stop caring because it just concerns "marginal/radical people".

    wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 485 posts Report

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