Posts by reece palmer

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  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    the tail wags on...

    what odds a 'reverse grid' approach to our batting order? Whaddaya reckon braces? c'mon you never know.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wonderful athletes,

    drinks in tassy, the top order is as usual out for sfa, english have advantage 150/5 have a listen at this url;

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: More party pill palaver,

    btw the heineken ad worked perfectly from here in mouldy sandringham, I tried it twice no problem.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: More party pill palaver,

    Perhaps instead of fining people who are caught being stupid with substances, the court could direct them to attend compulsory drug education courses that cost (and paid for by the offender) an equivalent amount? Directed to their particular thing.

    on second thought perhaps not...

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: More party pill palaver,

    Actually it's more along the lines of, I've seen so many dairies sell alcohol and cigarettes to underage kids on crappy consumer shows like target and stake out that there's a good possibility that would extend to these too.

    Or it could be,
    Jim Anderton is on a crusade inspired by personal tragedy.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: More party pill palaver,

    If bzp based substances were sold in a controlled environment such as a chemist then I'd be a whole lot less inclined to oppose them.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: Getting the pip,

    I've been to about six or so bdo's, they were too far away in oz from where I was. Only ever paid for one cos I had the volly hook-up which meant employee pass and no bag check at the gate (heh) ET you are the big day out in nz. I'm not going this year because work commitments put me elsewhere on the day, probably wouldn't turn up til about two if I was.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: More party pill palaver,

    The main emphasis should be sharing the responsibility between law enforcement and the health sector. People for whatever reason are going to take things that they think make them feel good, I'll just take their word for that, to criminalise people for their own personal mores isn't really effective. The network of crime behind production and distribution however does need to be addressed by law enforcment agencies, such as they are. Perhaps instead of fining people who are caught being stupid with substances, the court could direct them to attend compulsory drug education courses that cost (and paid for by the offender) an equivalent amount? Directed to their particular thing. For the sake of demarcation selling is and should still be a criminal offense.
    If bzp based substances were sold in a controlled environment such as a chemist then I'd be a whole lot less inclined to oppose them. But as it stands with them on sale over the counter in the Dairy across the road from the school I teach at (primary), on display right next to the lollies, I have to say I take issue with that.

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: More party pill palaver,

    Or neil's attempts to crucify himself "I've tried lots of times but I can never get the last nail in..."

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

  • Hard News: Inauspicious,

    but in all reality the ncea isn't about the kiddies at all. Give them a sense of pride and make it easier, let the childrens laughter remind us how we used to be... the ncea has a long way to go before it can be ranked as funky cold medina, but I'm mike whitney and I dare you...

    the terraces • Since Nov 2006 • 298 posts Report

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