Posts by Jake Pollock

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  • Island Life: Symptoms persist,

    I reckon $50k. All it needs is a big white line down the middle of the upstream clipon, a couple of accessways by the Curran St on-ramp and the old toll plaza, and some barricades to close the lane off.

    You forgot to budget for the green paint.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Up Front: Are We There Yet?,

    Sorry if it's been mentioned already, but I had to skim the thread. The Republicans appear to have been reduced to the 'Gay Marriage would be bad for small businesses' gambit, which, as far as I can tell, is the next to last step in conceding the whole argument.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    Actually, I bought them at US$0.27, so it's NZ$2.29, for those following along at home.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    US$0.25 per track (the rate at which I bought them) for 5 tracks equals NZ$2.12.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    My point was that I was able to purchase their music, saving their parents a couple of dollars. In fact, tens of thousands of people are, if they hear the music, and like it.

    But whatever.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    Bang! Bang! Eche, for example, who played the Music Month showcase this month after storming the US college charts and touring the US and Europe. Don't they count?

    And there they are on eMusic. Fancy that, some kids from Christchurch just earned a couple of my dollars.

    Robbery: in response to your earlier question about my preference for using film for education, the problem I identified is not with copy-protection per se, but with the DVD format itself. I think that at present we'll cope, but within a few years the DVD will have gone the way of the 8-track and we'll be using files on hard drives exclusively. If anyone has any sense, we'll be able to bookmark our own loops within those files and move between them at will, essentially creating our own chapter selection. This doesn't have to violate any DRM, and seems to me something even lecturers can cope with.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Speaker: Copyright Must Change,

    Against my better judgment, I'd like to point out that scene selection is actually an incredibly annoying aspect of using DVDs for lecture/presentation/teaching purposes, because it may be that you only want to show 10 seconds of a scene, but are forced to sit through 5 minutes of it to get to the bit you want, and are unable to cue multiple clips easily. The whole thing is clunky and annoying, and from the lecturer's perspective quite a step back from being able to copy short bits of video.

    Apparently you don't have any sense of the perspective of teachers, Robbery, and are thus completely unqualified to comment on this issue.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Modern Lolz,

    Philip: O RLY?

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Madness in Mt Albert,

    Craig: I won't go so far as Tom, but the line 'despite a reputation as a grey United Nations bureaucrat' doesn't exactly scream objective reporting, does it? Who does he have this reputation with? Russel Norman? Is there anyone quoted in the story that expresses this opinion? If not, why is it there? It's there because, as Tom says, the reporter is parroting the attack lines of another party, not because anyone he talked to actually thinks this, as far as I can see.

    And yes, it's vile that Lee has her nose rubbed in that racist bullshit. As Sam said, that's going to cost David Baird business. But why do you assume that this kind of racism should be associated with the Labor party, when the guy voted NZ1st last year, and seems to think that because he's professional, he should vote National?

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Madness in Mt Albert,

    National Party attack line

    I see your point, Tom, but I'm pretty sure that's a Green Party attack line.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

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