Posts by 3410

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  • Field Theory: Handle the Scandal,

    Why is it that sports reporters are almost universally complete f-ing idiots? Or maybe it's just NZ?

    I'm starting to think TVNZ is doing a pretty poor job of this. Hardly anything on ONE is live, so many ad breaks (especially at night), many poor programming decisions, idiotic opening ceremony commentary, and Lavina "feel" Good is becoming a national embarassment.

    They didn't even show the Women's team Gymnastics - surely, one of the most popular events - live, just a tightly edited (barring that ridiculous 2 minute loop) highlight reel.

    I didn't see it, but apparently a TVNZ reporter got right in the face of that poor American girl who fell while mounting the beam, immediately afterwards. I guess humanity goes out the window when you're obsessed with your "coverage".

    Not to mention blank-screening God-knows-how-many viewers during the most important race so far.

    Nice having a choice of streams, but that's only par for the course in '08.

    The TVNZ message board is riddled with complaints.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Short Word Before We Begin,


    conforms to no rule known to Man or Woman. Did we not all learn at 6 or 7 years old that if a verb ends in an "e" the "e" is dropped when adding "ing"?

    I suppose that would imply a two-syllable "googling", which is not, I think, how most of us say it, but perhaps "google" is a special case which retains the pronunciation rules implicit in the word on which it is based.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Did you see that?,

    Anyone worked out how to fix Firefox for TVNZ's Olymic vids? I installed silverlight, but it still doesn't work.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Did you see that?,

    Great swim.

    It was. Won't be celebrated much at home without a medal, I'm guessing, but under the circumstances he did very, very well.

    Post-swim interview was unsurpringly poor, though.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: The newest neocon catastrophe,

    well certainly in the decade after the wall came down, Russia was reeling in many ways, China was only just starting to find it's feet.

    Sure, but in retrospect America's economic and political dominance in the 90's seems so... inevitably transitory.

    Maybe I just forget what it was like before the war.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: The newest neocon catastrophe,

    "America: the last/only superpower"

    Was that ever true? Or merely wishful thinking, with the idea becoming widely entrenched via a certain level of media dominance.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Did you see that?,

    Great Men's team Gymnastics yesterday. Some pretty incredible performances and the crowd was going nuts as China's victory drew towards certainty. Women's today.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Short Word Before We Begin,

    Muphry's Law.


    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Short Word Before We Begin,

    I am not Keith.

    I thought you were going to do "Which Rolling Stone are you?"

    Congrats on your new blog.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

  • Hard News: Just marketing to the base,


    Just a reminder of current rates for Unemployment , Sickness and Domestic Purposes benefits (scroll down). By the way, those numbers (in the first 2 cases, at least, and the third, I presume) include Accomodation supplement.

    Very few people, I'd wager, would subject themselves to that sort of income level unless they had to.

    Auckland • Since Jan 2007 • 2618 posts Report

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