Posts by merc

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  • Hard News: Kids these days,

    it learns subcontracting.
    Now that's funny.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Memories of the attic press,

    You are cleared on that basis only, and because a mandolin was involved.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Kids these days,

    That's why we must always mind our p's and q's.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Gay, but really not happy,

    Colin contributed in his own pussy POMO way, lick your paws disinterestedly for ages and observe what the human servant does to fill the existential space...

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Kids these days,

    I blame that damn guy with his peas.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Kids these days,

    Thanks Paul, very helpful.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Kids these days,

    Really, Mary was immaculately conceived? I know She was assumpted by Papal Bull in 1955, just for some female representation in your trinity, BUT Mary had a belly button!
    So many Mary's, wasn't Mary also The Mother Of God?
    Descent from chimps, don't we share alot of DNA but we Homo Sapiens are from another branch of ape-like things. Didn't some branches like Australiopithecus die out and the question is whether branches left themselves in the record or simply died out, like Neanderthals. Interesting to consider if they co-existed with Cro-magnons...
    Wasn't the DNA record traced back to the first Mother, Lucy?

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Kids these days,

    For certain Christian sects (ahem, careful wording), the Chimp as anscestor thing is The Biggie., perhaps it is still a Chain of Being thing. However the all born from incest thing is covered by the All Born In Sin thing (or just don't go there mmmkay), however Eve, being constructed from Adams rib, had no belly button, and Jesus was immaculately conceived, Mary being impregnated through the ear by the Numenosum.
    As for the Chimp, the hoary old 2 million year old progenitor perhaps of we, The Shaved Apes...animals have No Soul, so therefore don't qualify, for anything, except exploitation for food perhaps as The Big Guy put them ALL there for US to use as we please.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Trams, drams and scams,

    The Major speaks to me in genius tongue. I am going to Connecticut, to seek him out, to the heart of darkness, as it were, up the river, I hear he has people there who worship him to the loose strains of The End, beautiful friend.
    Like a snail on a razor blade the beautiful simplicity of His words and deeds must be captured, with extreme prejudice.
    Surfer kid: Why did you napalm the whole village?
    Col. Kilgore: Because Charlie don't fucken surf.
    Me, I'm grounded as I ever was, I'm going all the way, for the Palm Oil.

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

  • Southerly: By Popular Demand: Another…,

    You can be both on to logical and in to logical, but when you're out of logical you become ill logical, ask Spock, Captain Kirk was always going ill logical, hence...
    "That would seem ill logical Captain."

    Since Dec 2006 • 2471 posts Report

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