Posts by Richard Aston

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  • Hard News: "Because we can", in reply to Ben Curran,

    Not really Ben - I am trying to work though them now but the answer given by the Minister... "161,000 people have been on for at least five of the last 10 (and) 139,000 for at least 10 years." was presumably in response to the questions about parents on benefits and therefore would include all main benefits except Super .
    Total benefit numbers are 320,000 so this means 50% (161000) of these are both parents and have been on benefits for more than 5 yrs .
    Seems really high to me and begs the question , how many actual Parents are on benefits of all kinds ( except super) ? The how many parents of young children are on benefits.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reviews: #NZGT and the Herald, in reply to Jeremy Andrew,

    Given NZ’s population, surely everyone must have been on a reality show by now?

    Good question for a pop survey right here . Who here has been on a reality show ?

    Me - once .

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reviews: #NZGT and the Herald,

    I enjoyed the first NZ's Got Talent. Yeah I know its a template and we are all being manipulated but hey they have been doing that since the Circus.

    Tamati Coffey is the right mix of cruisy host with a heart , our Rachael surprised me she played her part so well, Jason Kerrison did a watered down mean dude but I never liked that character anyway.

    I was entertained and watched the whole thing and hey I am a real snob about talent shows like Idol .

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reviews: #NZGT and the Herald, in reply to Bevan Shortridge,

    I was a bit sorry to hear on Sunday’s Mediawatch that “The Aucklander” lift out on Thursdays has come to an end. I used to actually look at that…

    Well I was really pissed by that , I had 5 front page ads booked in the Aucklander until the end of the year and no one from APN thought to tell me they were ditching the Auckander until today. And yes it was a good read for a local rag.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: We ... WHAT!?, in reply to Rich of Observationz,

    Maybe he should just revert to full-on East End when giving speeches

    Yeah but I would prefer a soft lilting Southern Irish accent they are soooo beautiful to listen to.

    He could get some help here

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: We ... WHAT!?, in reply to Chris Waugh,

    Fair enough Chris - you are right, an international statesman needs to be able to articulate clearly.

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: We ... WHAT!?,

    Call me paranoid but how often does this happen?
    Yeah sure John Key has a difficult relationship with his consonants but try understanding a Glaswegian accent or an middle eastern accent for that matter.
    Why did they transcribe it in the first place it sounded like he was reading a prepared speech which could have been given to the US people .

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: We ... WHAT!?,

    I was going to say how embarrassing our PM is so inaudible but listening to the recording not so . How bloody shocking it is that the US state dept basically spun this conversation out to suit their own agenda.
    I mean ....WTF

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Leaf and Tips, in reply to andin,

    Andin ( and mark) yes absolutely agree the ideal is no regulation and good home environments, engaged parents and a broader social environment supporting informed and individual choices.
    The above would solve an awful lot of the worlds problems including cannabis induced psychosis in those who cannot handle this herb.
    Its a beautiful vision and in the meantime , shit happens. So given its not an ideal world how do we handle this , are regulations and law any help at all?

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

  • Hard News: Leaf and Tips, in reply to Russell Brown,

    I reckon the idea that some people are more susceptible to psychosis from early cannabis use make a lot of sense. I have seen it so often with younger people I have worked , some just cannot handle regular use and dip into a series of psycotic episodes and others seem to keep it all together quite well, abet lacking motivation and showing some chaotic thinking.

    So how do we regulate for that ?

    Northland • Since Nov 2006 • 510 posts Report

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